
頁: 181-204
日期: 2010/07
摘要: 本篇研究探討究竟什麼因素會影響使用者在網路虛擬社群環境下的知識分享意願。過去的網站內容皆由營運業者所提供,忽略使用者分享以及集體協作知識的影響。然而在Yahoo! 知識+、維基百科、以及公開資源軟體的成功模式下,才發現集體協作儼然變成網站成功的基石。本研究的資料蒐集對象是以台灣為主,台灣在知識分享社交網路中扮演一個十分重要的角色,早期的電子系統佈告欄(BBS)系統是最早的知識分享平台之一,以及目前熱門的Yahoo! 知識+分享平台,都足以證明。 本研究架構模式是以理性行動理論(TRA)為基礎,並透過資料分析發現「吸收能力」以及「組織中自尊」有正向且顯著的影響,「期望報酬」對於「知識分享態度」卻無正向且顯著的影響。然而,儘管「期望報酬」對於「知識分享態度」無正向顯著的影響結果有些違背理論常理,但這也證實在公開的商業環境下,「期望報酬」對於使用者的知識分享行為並非重要影響因素。
關鍵字: 虛擬社群;知識分享;集體協作;理性行動理論;

Investigating the Effect of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Community

Abstract: This paper answers the question, why do people want to share knowledge in a virtual community setting? Absent this desire to share, mass collaboration, which often occurs on the Internet, is non-existent. Mass collaboration is a significant reason for the success of Wikipedia, open-source software, Yahoo! Answers, etc. We chose our test sample from Taiwan because it plays an important role in online knowledge-sharing social networks. It was an early adopter of knowledge-sharing websites, including BBS. The success of Yahoo Knowledge+ led to Yahoo Answers, which currently has the largest market share of any such site. Using a model based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), we found that knowledge sharing was driven by self-esteem and absorption capacity. Expected return had no effect on sharing. Although counterintuitive, this latter finding confirms that in today’s open business environment, it is unexpected returns that heavily involved users are most likely to encounter.
Keywords: virtual community;knowledge sharing;mass collaboration;theory of reasoned action;

瀏覽次數: 11490     下載次數: 1231

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