
頁: 1-19
日期: 2009/10
摘要: 網際網路目前已經成為企業行銷一個重要的傳播通道,隨著部落格快速發展,許多企業也開始嘗試以部落格為傳播行銷工具。過去一般企業網頁廣告大都是以資訊性訴求為主,但部落格是由員工或業主講述關於公司的故事,希望藉此建立消費者對公司的情感。本研究探討企業部落格影響消費者的過程,希望從敘事的觀點,瞭解作者如何藉由在部落格上講一個好故事,進而引發讀者的同理心,並改變讀者的態度。研究以實驗方式進行,結果顯示讀者認知之故事性強的部落格,可以引發讀者的認知情感與情感移轉,進而影響讀者對部落格的態度;而高故事性與低故事性之部落格引發之效果並不相同。這個結果顯示企業在網路上也可以經由情感訴求達到影響消費者態度的目的。
關鍵字: 部落格;認知情感;情感移轉;網路行銷;敘事廣告;

Telling a Good Story: Empathy and the Advertising Effects of Blogs

Abstract: Blog has been one of the most fast growing applications on the Internet, and is also a new channel for companies to communicate with their customers. Instead of providing consumers with information about the products they sold as the past corporate websites, firm's blogs usually tell stories about their firm to customers. Based on the theory of empathy and narrative advertisement, we conducted an experiment to explore how can firms use blog to tell good stories, and then through invoking the empathy of consumers, affect their attitude toward the blog and the company's products. The result of this study suggests firms can use blog to affect consumers' attitude by telling good stories and then invoking consumers' affective response.
Keywords: blog;sympathy;empathy;narrative advertisement;Internet marketing;

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