
頁: 163-180
日期: 2009/01
摘要: 知識地圖(Knowledge Map)能使學習者更容易了解課程章節間複雜概念的連結關係,改善過於條列式、缺乏統整性的教材設計等,因此能有效提昇學習績效。尤其在網際網路的年代,因為資訊資源太豐富、關聯太複雜,促使能清楚表達知識元件間關聯之知識地圖成為重要的研究議題。 本研究嘗試探討知識地圖運用於數位學習教材之設計,以期能了解知識地圖之應用是否能提升數位學習之學習績效。本研究以ADO.NET資料庫應用程式設計數位教材為例,實際建構ADO.NET數位學習知識地圖教材,以現有網際網路上相關ADO.NET之瀏覽式教材轉化成知識地圖呈現式教材。接著,以知識地圖呈現之教材對照現有網際網路相同內容之瀏覽式教材,進行實驗教學。實驗結果顯示:知識地圖式教材呈現方式確實能顯著提升ADO.NET之學習成績與學習滿意度。因此,未來若能在電腦程式語言數位學習教材之設計中適度運用知識地圖之構圖方式,應可以有效提昇數位學習之學習績效。
關鍵字: 知識地圖;數位學習;學習績效;學習滿意度;

A Study of Applying Knowledge Maps to Instructional Material Design of E-learning

Abstract: Knowledge maps could help learners to understand the relationships of complex concepts between course chapters and units. Knowledge maps would reduce the problems of instructional material design, such as too enumerative and lack of integration. Therefore, knowledge maps could improve the learning performance. Especially, in the Internet age, information is overloading and the relationships among information are too complicate, that raises the research issues about knowledge maps which could clearly represent the relationships of components of knowledge. This research tries to study the learning performance of applying knowledge maps to instructional material design of e-learning. A knowledge map of ADO.NET e-learning material as the example was constructed firstly in this research. This knowledge map was transformed from the existing browsing type of the instructional material of ADO.NET in Internet. Then, an experiment for learning performance between two types of ADO.NET e-learning materials design was performed. The results of experiment show the knowledge map type could significantly improve learning score and learning satisfaction. This research implies that knowledge maps are helpful tools to increase the learning performance for the instructional material design of e-learning.
Keywords: Knowledge Map;E-Learning;Learning Performance;Learning Satisfaction;

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