
頁: 79-97
日期: 2008/10
摘要: 近年來知識經濟議題沸沸揚揚,然而多數偏向總體經濟與投入稟賦模型,很少從社會資本角度切入。同樣地,社會資本研究近來深受重視,但是很少從總體經濟與管理角度進行分析。因此,為整合探討社會資本與知識經濟關係,本研究彙整相關文獻,配合世界銀行與世界價值調查等單位指標,應用線性結構模型加以驗證。本研究結果發現,知識經濟稟賦包括資訊科技、人力資源與經濟環境,雖能提高知識創新擴散進而轉化為競爭力,然而,一國的社會資本對競爭力更具影響。因此,本研究建議各國應深切體認知識經濟與社會資本緊密鑲嵌,除了積極提高資訊科技、人力資源與經濟環境等稟賦,更應充分掌握與運用社會資本,包括增進社會合作關係與開放社會網絡,利於知識創新學習並提昇國家競爭力。
關鍵字: 社會資本;知識經濟;創新系統;

Social Capital and Knowledge-based Economy Competitiveness

Abstract: Research on knowledge-based economy has increased noticeably in recent years. However, while some literature is available on macroeconomics and management, little information is available on social capital. Meanwhile, while the study on social capital has been mounting steadily, little work is available on macroeconomics and management. Thus, this work used the reports of World Bank and World Value Survey, applying the linear structural relation model to consider the relationship between the social capital and the knowledge-based economy. Overall, the results indicated that the knowledge-based economy endowments, such as information infrastructure, human resources, and economic environment help improve the national competitiveness; however the social capital plays an important role to the innovation proliferation process and the national competitiveness. Thus, this study suggests that every country should not only improve the knowledge-based economy endowments, but also accumulate and enrich the social capital, that is, improve social cooperation relationship and construct the open social network.
Keywords: Social Capital;Knowledge-based Economy;Innovation System;

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