
頁: 621-652
日期: 2012/07
摘要: 電腦病毒防治乃是資訊安全政策的核心任務之一,然而現今防範電腦病毒的研究多集中在技術面,在實證研究部份則因資料數據取得困難,故較少探討。為彌補此缺口,本研究採用系統動力學的方法,建立電腦病毒傳播的動態模式,藉以探討用戶端防毒政策的成效。多數研究認為定期更新病毒碼或成立資訊安全事件通報小組,能有效遏止電腦病毒散播,除此之外我們更進一步確認下述現象:(1)電腦接觸外來媒介的頻繁對於電腦病毒感染速率具高度敏感;(2)透過用戶端通報異常狀況存在著時間滯延,因此較不能快速減緩電腦病毒的散播;(3)自動通報機制可以有效控制高峰期的已感染電腦數量並縮短疫情持續時間,故防治效果比較佳;(4)公共衛生政策裡的隔離措施亦可有效抑制電腦病毒的傳播。
關鍵字: 電腦病毒傳播;系統動力學;傳染病散播模型;電腦病毒防治政策;

Research of the Computer Viruses Prevention Policy Using System Dynamics

Abstract: Anti-virus action is the core of information security policy. Many researchers focus on the technology of anti-virus, but not on the anti-virus policies because of the difficulty for obtaining data in empirical research. The research goal of this paper is to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of anti-virus policies by using the System Dynamic Model. Most computer users think that updating the virus pattern files regularly or setting up the security incident reporting team can effectively control the spread of computer viruses. However, the research results of this study indicate: (1) computer virus infection rate is very sensitive to the frequency of contact with other media; (2) relying on the manual reporting mechanism of clients will delay the development of anti-virus vaccine; therefore, this method can slow down the spread of computer virus a little; (3) automatic reporting system can effectively control the number of infected computers and shorten the duration of infection peak; (4) isolation policies can effectively reduce the spread of computer virus.
Keywords: Computer Virus Propagation;System Dynamics;Epidemic Model;Anti-Virus Policy;

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