
頁: 21-40
日期: 2008/04
摘要: 本個案描述了南台灣最具規模的團膳公司導入創新模式的機、策略思考、具體做法與過程。食品產業複雜且多樣化,標準化困難,加上生產種類多樣性,產銷資訊切割十分不易。在資訊系統的協助下,如何透過供應鏈與價值鏈的重新組合以增加競爭力,已是餐食產業關鍵性之議題。本個案描述中小企業如在競爭激烈的環境下,以供應鏈的觀點重新審視企業的本質,導入創新模式以進入新的事業版圖的過程。供應鏈管理的變革進一步影響了公司整體策略、生產方式、行銷與人力資源政策等,顯示出管理問題不易分割的特性。本個案牽涉到餐食產業供應鏈管理、競爭優勢、顧客關係管理等議題,可引導學生在討論的過程中,學習到相關的管理知識。
關鍵字: 供應鏈管理;大量客製化;競爭優勢;顧客關係管理;

The Implementation of Business Model Innovation: Kippo Fast Food Company

Abstract: This case describes the implement process, motivation and strategic thinking of business model innovation for the largest team meals service company in the south Taiwan. The production process in the food industry is characterized by high complexity, diversification, and difficulties in standardization. Thus, how to reconfigure the structure of supply chain with the support of advanced information technology to get competitive advantage is gaining importance for the management of food industry in recent years. This case describes how and why a small-and-mid-sized company reviews and redefines its business scope from the perspectives of supply chain under intense competitive pressure, as well as its implementation process. The reconfiguration of supply chain triggers the changes in production process, human resource policy, marketing strategy, and total strategy. Students can learn basic concepts and build skills in supply chain management, competitive advantage, and customer relationship management from this case.
Keywords: SCM;mass customization;competitive advantage;CRM;

瀏覽次數: 10900     下載次數: 101

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