
頁: 197-228
日期: 2007/07
摘要: 「社會資本」是繼傳統的三種智慧資本(包括人力資本、組織資本與顧客資本)後,所被提出並被認為是在網路經濟下,對組織而言非常重要的另一種新的智慧資本。本研究主要籍由Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998)所提出之組織社會資本架構,從三個不同構面來探討組織所擁有的社會資本如何影響其創業契機的發現、創造、評估和利用。其次本研究認為組織除了經由廣大的人脈關係網路可快速有效的擷取新資訊與知識外,其本身對於新知識的學習能力,以及過去所累積的相關知識基礎,亦會影響其精確掌握契機的能力,因此本研究在模式中引入吸收能力理論(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990)及現有知識基礎兩個重要構面,以便完整探討組織契機掌握能力的影響因子。 本研究使用調查法衡量國內企業社會資本等相關資料,並採用路徑分析法對研究模式進行檢驗。研究結果發現,影響組織創業契機掌握能力最重要的社會資本構面為結構構面;而組織知識的吸收能力則主要受到社會資本結構構面及關係構面的影響。此外,組織之創業契機掌握能力及知識吸收能力皆具有非常顯著的「路徑相依性」(即深刻受到現有知識基礎的影響),此研究發現對實務界深具意義。
關鍵字: 智慧資本;社會資本;知識管理;創業契機;

An Investigation on Affecting Factors of Abilities of Mastering Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Using Social Capital Theory

Abstract: With the three traditional ICs (Intellectual Capital), including Human Capital, Structural Capital and Customer Capital, Social Capital (SC) has been recognized as the forth critical IC to an organization in the network economy. In the 21(superscript st) century, various kinds of collaborations among organizations, such as strategic alliance or virtual organization, play a major role in the global competitive marketplace. Therefore, organizations with intensively collaborative relationships with other enterprises ill have better chances to discover, evaluate and exploit the emerging entrepreneurial opportunities. This study intends to investigate the impact of a firm's social capital on its capabilities to discover, evaluate and exploit the entrepreneurial opportunities. Three dimensions of a firm's social capital are canalized (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998): (1) structural dimension, including network ties and network configurations. (2) cognitive dimension, including shared codes. languages and narratives. (3) relational dimension, including trust, norm, obligations, and identifications. Moreover, because the absorptive capability of a firm and its current base of related knowledge also influence the effectiveness of its exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity. Absorptive Capability Theory (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) and current knowledge base of a firm are also introduced into the research model for the integrity. A survey method is applied to test the hypotheses proposed by the research model. Five out of nine hypotheses are validated by using path analysis. The result reveals that the structrual dimension of a firm's social capital has the greatest impact on its abilities of mastering entrepreneurial opportunities; on the other hand, a firm's absorptive capability of knowledge is affected by the structural and relational dimensions of social capital. Furthermore, the study also validates that both absorptive capability and the abilities of mastering entrepreneurial opportunities are characterized by ”path dependency”, i.e., they are affected significantly by current knowledge base.
Keywords: Intellectual Capital;Entrepreneurship Opportunity;Social Capital;Knowledge Management;

瀏覽次數: 16199     下載次數: 919

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