
頁: 439-473
日期: 2012/04
摘要: 本研究應用社會回應理論的社交線索,依據文獻中對於角色代言人的特性,設計出專家和吸引型兩種角色,利用實驗設計、網路問卷調查法,樣本回收1569人,扣除無效樣本285份,正式有效樣本1284人。研究發現:虛擬角色代言人可提升消費者的品牌態度和購買意願。擬社會互動程度與虛擬角色代言人具有交互作用,當使用者對網站的擬社會互動程度高時,虛擬角色代言人呈現的廣告說服效果較好;反之則是否利用虛擬角色代言人並無差異。不同類型的虛擬角色人物呈現(專家和吸引型角色)與產品涉入程度具有交互作用,當使用者對產品涉入程度高時,專家代言人物之廣告說服效果較好;反之則專家型或吸引型角色呈現對於廣告說服效果並無差異。
關鍵字: 虛擬角色代言人;擬社會互動;產品涉入;

The Advertising Effect of Avatar on Internet-Moderating Effects of PSI and Product Involvement

Abstract: According to the social cues in social response theory and the characteristics of avatar, we design two types of avatar (expert and attractive role) in this study. Experimental design and online survey are used to test the hypotheses. In total, 1569 questionnaires were collected, of which 285 were invalid, and 1284 were valid. The research result is as follows: Avatar will influence brand attitude and purchase intention. The parasocial interaction (PSI) has the moderating effect, consumers with a high degree of PSI, the advertisement using avatar has the greater advertising effect. The involvement with product has the moderating effect between different type of avatar (expert and attractive role) and advertising effect, consumers with a high degree of product involvement, expert avatar has the greater advertising effect.
Keywords: Avatar;Parasocial Interaction(PSI);Product Involvement;

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