頁: 125-153
日期: 2007/07
摘要: 拜行動通訊技術迅速發展與行動電話日益普及之賜,行動商務成為近年來各界熱烈討論的話題,其中行動加值服務更是電信業者籍以擺脫每一用戶平均單月利潤貢獻度(ARPU, average revenue per user)日益滑落的發展方向。然眾多加值服務能否有效提升ARPU,關鍵乃取決於消費者之行為意向,唯有消費者對加值服務具正面採用意向並進而採用,對提升ARPU才有實質效果。故本研究之目的係以科技接受模型為基礎,結合行動商務特性與創新特質中之相容性建構-擴展式科技接受模型,希冀對消費者採用行動加值服務之行為意向有更深入之瞭解。經問卷調查並以結構方程模式分析後,本研究之重要結果如下:(1)行動商務之“無所不在”與“個人化”特性確實提供了重要之價值,其與“知覺易用性”可直接加強消費者對於行動加值服務之知覺有用性。(2)約態度乃是直接決定行為意向之重要變數,亦即消費者對於加值服務之態度若越正向,則其採用意向亦越正向。電信業者應著力於消費者態度之提升,態度之提升則有賴知覺易用性、相容性與知覺有用性直接強化。(3)現有加值服務之有用性可能是急需加強的。(4)本研究建構之模型對於行動加值服務之採用意向具有可接受之解釋力。
關鍵字: 行動商務;行動加值服務;科技接受模型;行為意向;
Abstract: With the telecommunication technology progress rapidly and the mobile phone become more and more popularity, mobile commerce is no the hottest topic that be discussed anywhere. The mobile value-added service is the ay that mobile network operators can do to stop average revenue per user (APRU) dropping day by day. The key to efficiently raise the APRU is the consumers' behavioral intention. Only the consumers have positive intention with the value-added services and further to adopt it, that the mobile network operators can improve the APRU essentially. This study takes the technology acceptance model (TAM) as basis and combines the characteristics of mobile commerce and compatibility of innovation to construct an extended TAM to understand the consumers' behavioral intention about adopt the value-added services. After survey by questionnaire and analyze the data by structural equation modeling, we get such points: (1) Ubiquity, personalization and perceived ease of use mobile value-added services can efficiently enhance the consumers' perceived usefulness. (2) Attitude is positively associated with behavioral intention. If the mobile network operators try to make consumers have positive attitude with value-added services, they should emphasize on perceived ease of use primly, and also compatibility and perceived usefulness in turn. (3) The present perceived usefulness of value-added services is urging to be strengthened. (4) The proposed model has confidant explanation to the consumers’ behavioral intention about adopt the value-added services.
Keywords: mobile commerce;value-added services;technology acceptance model;behavioral intention;
瀏覽次數: 33797 下載次數: 409
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 125-153
日期: 2007/07
摘要: 拜行動通訊技術迅速發展與行動電話日益普及之賜,行動商務成為近年來各界熱烈討論的話題,其中行動加值服務更是電信業者籍以擺脫每一用戶平均單月利潤貢獻度(ARPU, average revenue per user)日益滑落的發展方向。然眾多加值服務能否有效提升ARPU,關鍵乃取決於消費者之行為意向,唯有消費者對加值服務具正面採用意向並進而採用,對提升ARPU才有實質效果。故本研究之目的係以科技接受模型為基礎,結合行動商務特性與創新特質中之相容性建構-擴展式科技接受模型,希冀對消費者採用行動加值服務之行為意向有更深入之瞭解。經問卷調查並以結構方程模式分析後,本研究之重要結果如下:(1)行動商務之“無所不在”與“個人化”特性確實提供了重要之價值,其與“知覺易用性”可直接加強消費者對於行動加值服務之知覺有用性。(2)約態度乃是直接決定行為意向之重要變數,亦即消費者對於加值服務之態度若越正向,則其採用意向亦越正向。電信業者應著力於消費者態度之提升,態度之提升則有賴知覺易用性、相容性與知覺有用性直接強化。(3)現有加值服務之有用性可能是急需加強的。(4)本研究建構之模型對於行動加值服務之採用意向具有可接受之解釋力。
關鍵字: 行動商務;行動加值服務;科技接受模型;行為意向;
A Study of Consumers' Behavioral Intention on Mobile Value-Added Services Adoption: A Case of Young Adults
Abstract: With the telecommunication technology progress rapidly and the mobile phone become more and more popularity, mobile commerce is no the hottest topic that be discussed anywhere. The mobile value-added service is the ay that mobile network operators can do to stop average revenue per user (APRU) dropping day by day. The key to efficiently raise the APRU is the consumers' behavioral intention. Only the consumers have positive intention with the value-added services and further to adopt it, that the mobile network operators can improve the APRU essentially. This study takes the technology acceptance model (TAM) as basis and combines the characteristics of mobile commerce and compatibility of innovation to construct an extended TAM to understand the consumers' behavioral intention about adopt the value-added services. After survey by questionnaire and analyze the data by structural equation modeling, we get such points: (1) Ubiquity, personalization and perceived ease of use mobile value-added services can efficiently enhance the consumers' perceived usefulness. (2) Attitude is positively associated with behavioral intention. If the mobile network operators try to make consumers have positive attitude with value-added services, they should emphasize on perceived ease of use primly, and also compatibility and perceived usefulness in turn. (3) The present perceived usefulness of value-added services is urging to be strengthened. (4) The proposed model has confidant explanation to the consumers’ behavioral intention about adopt the value-added services.
Keywords: mobile commerce;value-added services;technology acceptance model;behavioral intention;
瀏覽次數: 33797 下載次數: 409
引用 導入Endnote