
頁: 1-17
日期: 2007/07
摘要: 本研究主要探討人格特質分組方式與匿/具名情境對不同人格特質學習者在腦力激盪團體中發言廣度的影響。本研究利用實驗室實驗法來了解不同的情境及分組方式對發言廣度的影響,實驗樣本為69位大學生,籍由本研究自行設計之網路討論室,讓成員分組討論指定主題。自變項包含匿名與否(分為匿名及具名)和人格特質分組方式(分為全內向組、全外向組及混合組),依變項為發言廣度。研究結果發現匿名性對發言廣度具有正向的影響;外向型的人之發言廣度並不會受所屬不同組別(全外向組或混合組)影響,但內向型的人在全內向組中擁有較佳的發言廣度;匿名與否及人格特質分組方式對發言廣度具有交互作用。最後針對本研究結果提出討論,並在文末提出建議。
關鍵字: 人格特質;內向;外向;網路匿名性;發言廣度;

The Effect of Internet Anonymity and Personality Composition on the Divergent Idea Generation in Teams

Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of personality on the divergent idea generation under different personality composition in teams and different environmental conditions. Laboratory experiment method was used to examine the effect of independent variables. Samples are 69 college students, who were divided into groups to discuss assigned issue in the internet-based virtual discussion room. The divergent idea generation process was recorded for further analysis. Two independent variables are environmental condition (anonymous or non-anonymous) and personality composition in teams (introverts only, extroverts only, and hybrid). The dependent variable is the number of divergent idea generated during group discussion. Results showed that personality composition in teams didn't have significant effect on the number of divergent idea generated, but Internet anonymity had significant effect. Introverts had more divergent ideas in introverts only group than in hybrid group. Moreover, there was significant interaction effect between environmental conditions and personality composition on the number of divergent idea generated.
Keywords: personality;introversion;extroversion;Internet anonymity;divergent idea generation;

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