頁: 1-32
日期: 2007/01
摘要: 網路上存在有著越來越大量的資訊,但這些過量的資訊卻容易造成使用者的迷失,因此本研究主要的目的在於,提出一個自動化的方式來建構具時間向度之知識結構映射圖,期望以視覺化的知識呈現方式解決資訊超載與使用者迷失的問題。本研究選定資訊管理領域做為應用的對象,以全國博碩士論文資料為資料來源,針對論文的關鍵字加以整理並刪減合併為各研究主題、再進行其主成份分析、及計算各研究主題間的關聯強度,並自動地建構出具時間向度之知識結構映射圖系統。本研究更利用準實,實驗法對實做出來之知識結構映射圖系統,進行描述性與程序性的知識任務的實驗,以進一步了解此知識結構映射圖系統是否有用實。實驗結果顯示知識結構映射圖在幫助使用者了解知識方面是非常有效的。除此之外,知識結構映射圖所得到之資訊,更可以用來分析台灣資訊管理領域的知識內涵及其發展的變遷與演進。本研究的結果,不僅可以作為新進人員、研究者或社會大眾在學習、決定研究領域或知識分享等方面的輔助工具之外,各個不同的全業組織亦可以採用本研究所提出的方法,來建構出屬於自己組織內部或外部商業領域的知識結構映射圖。
關鍵字: 知識結構映射圖;知識呈現;研究主題;資訊管理領域;資訊管理演進;
Abstract: There is tremendous information on the web, but the overloaded information would cause user's disorientation. The aim of this research is to explore a method for automatic construction of Knowledge Structure Map (KSM) with time-line feature, and to solve the problem of information overloaded and use's disorientation using visual interface of KSM. In this research, we target the MIS domain and adopt the national Dissertation and Thesis Abstract System as data source input. By dealing with the keywords to classify different subjects and performing the Principle Component Analysis to calculate the relation strength for the subjects, the KSM can be automatically constructed. In addition to the proposed method of constructing KSM, an experiment to show how the constructed KSM is helpful for users while taking tasks of description and procedure knowledge is also conducted. Furthermore, we utilize these maps to analyze the knowledge evolution and development for MIS domain in Taiwan. The proposed method can automatically construct KSM and the constructed KSM is proven to be useful for learning, research direction decision and knowledge sharing for the novices, researchers, and people respectively. Besides, the enterprises can also adopt the proposed method to construct their own internal or external KSM by applying the same techniques, like automatic text abstraction and keywords discovery technologies to extract abstracts and keywords information from their own organization or domain. The proposed method could then be easily applied in different fields.
Keywords: Knowledge Structure Map;Knowledge Representation;Research Skill;MIS Domain;MIS Evolution;
瀏覽次數: 49856 下載次數: 296
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 1-32
日期: 2007/01
摘要: 網路上存在有著越來越大量的資訊,但這些過量的資訊卻容易造成使用者的迷失,因此本研究主要的目的在於,提出一個自動化的方式來建構具時間向度之知識結構映射圖,期望以視覺化的知識呈現方式解決資訊超載與使用者迷失的問題。本研究選定資訊管理領域做為應用的對象,以全國博碩士論文資料為資料來源,針對論文的關鍵字加以整理並刪減合併為各研究主題、再進行其主成份分析、及計算各研究主題間的關聯強度,並自動地建構出具時間向度之知識結構映射圖系統。本研究更利用準實,實驗法對實做出來之知識結構映射圖系統,進行描述性與程序性的知識任務的實驗,以進一步了解此知識結構映射圖系統是否有用實。實驗結果顯示知識結構映射圖在幫助使用者了解知識方面是非常有效的。除此之外,知識結構映射圖所得到之資訊,更可以用來分析台灣資訊管理領域的知識內涵及其發展的變遷與演進。本研究的結果,不僅可以作為新進人員、研究者或社會大眾在學習、決定研究領域或知識分享等方面的輔助工具之外,各個不同的全業組織亦可以採用本研究所提出的方法,來建構出屬於自己組織內部或外部商業領域的知識結構映射圖。
關鍵字: 知識結構映射圖;知識呈現;研究主題;資訊管理領域;資訊管理演進;
Automatic Knowledge Structure Map Construction with Time-line Feature-Using Knowledge Evolution in MIS Domain as an Example
Abstract: There is tremendous information on the web, but the overloaded information would cause user's disorientation. The aim of this research is to explore a method for automatic construction of Knowledge Structure Map (KSM) with time-line feature, and to solve the problem of information overloaded and use's disorientation using visual interface of KSM. In this research, we target the MIS domain and adopt the national Dissertation and Thesis Abstract System as data source input. By dealing with the keywords to classify different subjects and performing the Principle Component Analysis to calculate the relation strength for the subjects, the KSM can be automatically constructed. In addition to the proposed method of constructing KSM, an experiment to show how the constructed KSM is helpful for users while taking tasks of description and procedure knowledge is also conducted. Furthermore, we utilize these maps to analyze the knowledge evolution and development for MIS domain in Taiwan. The proposed method can automatically construct KSM and the constructed KSM is proven to be useful for learning, research direction decision and knowledge sharing for the novices, researchers, and people respectively. Besides, the enterprises can also adopt the proposed method to construct their own internal or external KSM by applying the same techniques, like automatic text abstraction and keywords discovery technologies to extract abstracts and keywords information from their own organization or domain. The proposed method could then be easily applied in different fields.
Keywords: Knowledge Structure Map;Knowledge Representation;Research Skill;MIS Domain;MIS Evolution;
瀏覽次數: 49856 下載次數: 296
引用 導入Endnote