
頁: 73-101
日期: 2006/10
摘要: 會議參與者間的互動,對會議效果有著重大的影響。然而,由於自然語言處理之複雜性,致使開放性問題領域的電子會議系統在語意分析的實作部分非常困難,進而影響會議協調輔助功能的實現。因此,本研究將衝突管理中的行為構面模式導入文字型電子會議中,以建構一個會議協調輔助機制,進行會議衝突狀態分析與協調管理,加速決策者間達成一致的決議,提高會議效果。本研究提出之文字型電子會議輔助機制包含對話輔助工具-語句開啟詞、特徵值萃取、會議狀態分析與議程輔助等四個主要元件。以語句開啟詞作為對話輔助工具的主要目的是避免自然語言處理之複雜性,並藉此獲取群體記憶與溝通意圖指標;特徵值萃取元件從會議參與者使用的語句開啟詞中,萃取出有利於後續分析的關鍵參數,提供群體狀態的後續分析之用;會議狀態分析元件將萃取出的關鍵參數,透過隱藏式馬可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)進行群體意圖狀態趨勢辨識並預測後續可能的會議衝突狀態;議程輔助元件,將會議狀態分析元件的分析結果,依照衝突管理的概念與群體狀態的趨勢,配合會議目前所處議程階段之希望狀態來進行回饋,以協助會議順利進行,提高會議執行效率與效能。為驗證本研究提出之衝突管理與議程輔助機制,本研究將會議效果分成朝向目標進展、參與自由度、結果滿意度與過程滿意度等四個構面,以有無使用語句開啟詞與協調輔助機制,將60位資訊相關科系大學生隨機平均分成三組,以匿名方式進行實驗。實驗結果顯示語句開啟詞的使用對於朝向目標前進與過程滿意度構面有正向顯著的幫助,而對於參與自由度與結果滿意度構面沒有顯著的差異;此外,會議協調輔助機制對朝向目標進展、結果滿意度與過程滿意度等三個構面都有正向顯著的幫助,而對於參與自由度構面沒有顯著的差異。此實驗結果驗證了本研究提出之衝突管理與議程輔助機制,可以提高電子會議效果,同時使用語句開啟詞並不至於造成發言上的限制,參與成員仍然可以充分表達意見。
關鍵字: 電子會議;群體支援系統;衝突管理;議程輔助;隱藏式馬可夫模型;

A Study of Conflict Management and Agenda Facilitation in Electronic Meeting Systems

Abstract: The effectiveness of meetings is highly determined by interactions among participants. However, due to the complexity of natural language processing, it is difficult for electronic meeting systems (EMS) to analyze the dialog. This research introduces the conflict management model to text-based EMSs to analyze the conflict status and its trend so that conflict management and agenda facilitation can be implemented. The proposed text-based EMS facilitation mechanism is composed of four major components-sentence opener, feature extractor, status analyer, and agenda facilitator. Sentence openers provide a natural way for users to identify the intention of their conversational contribution without fully understanding the significance of the underlying communicative acts. Feature extractor extracts critical parameters, which are used for status analysis, from selected sentence openers. Status analyzer uses the hidden Markov model (HMM) to analyze the assertiveness and cooperativeness indexes for recognizing the group conflict status trend and predict the possible future meeting confluct status. Agenda facilitator, based on the predicted future meeting status, guides the meeting toward the expected meeting status to increase the meeting effectiveness and efficiency. To evaluate the proposed mechanism, four constructs, aiming at meeting goals, freedom of participation, satisfaction of results, and satisfaction of meeting processes, were used. Based on whether utilizing sentence opener and/or meeting coordination and facilitation mechanism, sixty information technology related major college students were randomly arranged into three groups. Anonymous meetings were conductes in the experiment. The xperimental results revealed that sentence openers have significant positive effects on both aiming at meeting goals and satisfaction of meeting processes and no significant effects on freedom of participation and satisfaction of results. The meeting coordination and facilitation mechanism has significant positive effects on aiming at meeting goals, satisfaction of results, and satisfaction of meeting processes and no significant effects on freedom of participation. It implies that only utilizing sentence openers does not have significant effect on meeting effectiveness since no analyzing of dialogs is implemented. And the proposed mechanism can improve the meeting effectiveness and efficiency without limiting the participants presenting their opinions.
Keywords: electronic meeting system;group support system;conflict management;agenda facilitation;hidden Markov model HMM;

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