
頁: 271-308
日期: 2006/01
摘要: 人們對資訊科技的認知不同,影響使用者對科技的評價與期待。然而智慧代理人的技術已經應用至研發創新及知識管理等不同的領域;透過使用者對Internet智慧代理人的科技特性、任務特性,以及任務-科技配適度的實質接受,仍必須明確而深入研究。準此,本文經由個案研究和計量分析,以消費者對科技特性、任務特性及任務-科技配適度模型應用智慧代理人於Internet拍賣過程,深入探討(l)智慧代理人之科技特性與線上拍賣網任務特性之相互關係;(2)網站經營者對軟體代理人的科技特性、任務特性,以及任務-科技配適度之認知;(3)暸解消費者對任務-科技配適度的實質接受度;以及(4)消費者對資訊科技之持續使用意願。經個案研究發現,網站經營者認為建立軟體代理人的功能與機制,可增進拍賣網的營運效率與時效性。為了降低拍賣網中的認知風險,導入線上拍賣網智慧代理人之前及導入後的產品配送及付款的評估等,皆必須建立-安全的科技代理人管理。在計量分析呈現,若消費者已熟悉拍賣網代理人科技功能,會對科技特性、任務-科技配適度、易用認知、有用認知、娛樂認知,以及持續使用意願認知等六個構面均持正面的影響,而對承擔風險能力亦有較深入的認知。對於將來引領智慧代理人的重點,網站經營者應尋求優良的智慧代理人幫助解決軟體技術的困境能力,如此才能使業者專注於Internet拍賣網的規劃並擴展至電子商務營運中,以持續創造企業經營價值網體系。
關鍵字: 智慧代理人;線上拍賣網;任務-科技配適度;科技接受度;

The Application of the Task-Technology Fit Model to Consumer Acceptance of Internet Intelligence Agent

Abstract: Peoples perceptions of the artificial intelligent agent (IA) influence their expectations, evaluation and adoption of the information technology, and will be important to the success of efforts to promote it. The technology of the IA can be applied to many domains. This research attempts to describe and explain consumer acceptance of the IA in one aspect of EC. A Task-Technology Fit Model (TTFM) was applied to the case of the online auction and case study and experimental research methods adopted. Research findings indicate a positive perception of the technology. Consumer and industrial respondents both felt it improved online auction performance, but the results were strongly influenced by the degree of understanding of the technology and its function in the online auction. Data analysis showed that such understanding was associated with increased scores for TTFM, perceived usefulness, ease of use, playfulness, and intent to use information technology, while perceived cost was lower. Analysis of individual questionnaire responses, however, showed a low level of consumer understanding of the IA, which may explain the low levels of consumer acceptance. Study proposes some suggestions for academia and industry to further address this. Further work could extend the approach to create value system of application.
Keywords: Intelligent Agent;Online Auction;Task-Technology Fit;Technology Acceptance;

瀏覽次數: 14971     下載次數: 352

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