
頁: 27-38
日期: 2006/01
摘要: 紙張支票是企業間商業交易最常使用的付款工具之一,故使用數位化的電子支票作為連線付款的工具也能更符合傳統的商業習慣。然而,數位化的支票在流通的過程中卻可能會遭到被複製或篡改的風險。使用密碼學中的數位簽章技術讓收票人能夠鑑別數位支票的來源,並驗證它的真確性,但卻無法保證支票不被複製。若要避免被複製的風險,需要重新思考數位化支票系統的運作流程。 本文在深入探討、研析現行已發展之電子支票系統的運作機制之後,自系統流程的角度重新思考,結合證券市場之有價證券的集中保管作業方式,設計一「集保型」的電子支票系統模型,儘量避免支票在市場上流通,以降低電子支票因數位文件本身的可複製特性所帶來的風險,並融合資訊安全觀點與現有支票業務,建構一個能支援多種商業模式的連線付款工具之基本模型,使企業與消費者皆能更便利且有效率地進行網路商業活動。
關鍵字: 電子支票;集中保管;電子付款;

A New Central-Deposit Electronic Check Model

Abstract: Digital checks are more attractive than other means of on-line payment, because checks in the traditional paper form are very popular in business. However, the risk of duplication fraud is a major concern. Cryptography, including the technology of digital signature, allows recipients of digital checks to authenticate the signatory and to validate data integrity. But using cryptography offers no guarantee that duplication frauds can be avoided or detected. This paper studies the electronic check systems presently in use in United States and Taiwan, and then proposes a ”central-deposit” electronic check system model. The basic idea was obtained from observing the central depository system for equity securities in Taiwan. By including a ”Central Payment Center (CPC)” into the proposed model, electronic checks generated are registered and kept at a location instead of being circulated. The major benefits of our Central Depository Model include reduction of both cost and risk.
Keywords: electronic check;central depository model;digital signature;cryptography;risk management of payment systems;

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