
頁: 43-69
日期: 2011/10
摘要: 本研究引用顧客共同參與之概念,主張消費者在社群之參與具有四種行為表現(遵守本份、口碑推薦、協助他人與提供改善建議),會受到三項共同生產條件(知覺合作規範、產品專業知識與參與動機)的影響。並探討社群成員之市場行家傾向是否會調節共同生產條件與社群參與行為之關係。本文以問卷調查方式,共回收468份有效樣本,並採用階層式迴歸進行分析。主要研究發現歸納如下:(1)共同生產條件對於成員之虛擬社群參與行為皆有顯著的正向影響效果。(2)三項共同生產條件對於四種參與行為各有不同的預測力。(3)成員的市場行家傾向會正向調節「參與動機」與社群成員「口碑推薦」行為之關係。本末提供後續相關研究方向與實務建議。
關鍵字: 虛擬社群參與行為;共同生產;市場行家;

Exploring User Participative Behavior and its Antecedents in Virtual Communities of Consumption

Abstract: Building on the concept of customer participation, we propose that consumers' participation in the virtual community of consumption (VCC) comprises four types of behaviors which are affected by three co-production conditions. In addition, this study explores whether the effects of the antecedents on participative behaviors are moderated by members' market maven. The research model proposed in the study is tested with hierarchical regression analysis on data collected from 468 members of VCCs. The results reveal three major findings. First, the three co-production conditions, namely the cooperative norms, product expertise and motives for participating, all have significantly positive effect on members' participative behaviors. Second, the three co-production conditions do not have equivalent effect on the four participative behaviors. Finally, the relationship between motives for participating and one of the participative behaviors, spreading positive word-of-mouth, is positively moderated by members' market maven. The implications for future research directions are discussed.
Keywords: Participative Behavior in Virtual Communities;Co-production;Market Maven;

瀏覽次數: 22545     下載次數: 287

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