
頁: 193-219
日期: 2006/01
摘要: 知識經濟時代的來臨,在新的經濟體系中,唯有知識才是個人及整體經濟的主要資源。隨著網路資訊科技的進步,現今企業的經營管理模式亦隨著改變,已成為虛擬組織與團隊的運作,可減少企業成本並可以增加時間的效率。因此,虛擬團隊如何很有效的透過網路科技來分享個人知識,如何去瞭解那些重要的變數會影響其分享知識行為是非常重要的。知識分享屬於一種成員間的交換行為,因此採用研究人際之間交換互動的理論:社會交換理論,探討虛擬團隊成員間彼此知識交換分享行為的背後主要影響因素。研究結果香現,相互溝通會影響相互影響與相互信任,相互瞭解會影響相互信任,相互信任會影響相互承諾與相互衝突;最後,知識分享會受到相互影響、相互承諾與相互衝突此三因素的影響。
關鍵字: 虛擬團隊;知識分享;社會交換理論;

A Study on the Affecting Factors of Virtual Team Members' Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Based on the Social Exchange Theory

Abstract: With the swift progress of network technology, enterprises nowadays have gradually change their business model to virtual teams collaboration, which has the advantages of reducing costs in real world and multiplying the efficiency of time. Virtual team becomes the popular working style reveals its disposition suitable in the information age, however, whether the virtual team success or not depends on the knowledge sharing among the team members. That means the more knowledge the team members share, the more worth the virtual team has. In this study, we propose a knowledge-sharing model based on the Social Exchange Theory (SET) to study how the virtual team members' behave in their respective practices concerning knowledge sharing. The results show that the mutual communication will impact on both the mutual influence and mutual trust; the mutual trust is influenced by mutual understanding; mutual trust will also influence on both mutual commitment and mutual conflicts. As for the knowledge sharing behavior, this is influenced by three factors-mutual influence, mutual commitment, and mutual conflicts. The implications will be useful to both the academic and business in their advocacy of the conduct of knowledge sharing.
Keywords: Virtual Teams;Knowledge Sharing;Social Exchange Theory;

瀏覽次數: 11723     下載次數: 145

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