
頁: 21-42
日期: 2011/10
摘要: 在快速崛起的部落格行銷服務中,結合經營部落格之主購者與網友端,共同進行採購議價的團購行為,增強買方的議價能力,讓共同採購之網友買到價廉物美的商品,儼然已成為新興且流行的網路購買模式。回顧過去部落格之文獻,只偏重單一網友端或部落格經營者之研究,本研究為一窺部落格主購者與網友端兩個層次之決策行為全貌,採用階層線性模式(HLM),一方面探討網友涉入度、網友和部落格的互動、網友對主購者的信任及網友購買意願之關連性;另一方面分析主購者吸引力及團購商品品牌形象,對於主購者信任與網友購買意願之調節效果。本研究結果顯示網友對團購的涉入度越高、網友與部落格的互動越高,對於主購者的信任度越高,進而提升購買意願。同時主購者愈具吸引力,以及團購商品之品牌形象愈佳,對於主購者信任與網友購買意願之間,具有正向的調節效果。
關鍵字: 網友涉入度;互動;信任;主購者吸引力;品牌形象;

A Cross Level Research of the Factors on the Purchase Intention of Blog Netizens-Characteristics of Initiators and Brand Image as Moderating Variables

Abstract: The emerging blog marketing links up the initiators and netizens to negotiate prices. The group purchasing system increases procurement negotiation ability of the netizens' and it has become an oncoming online shopping model. As previous studies focus on either netizens side or initiators side, the study adopts HLM to link up the initiators and netizens to study their decision-making behaviors. The study not only examines the relations among involvement, interaction, trust and purchase intention, but also analyzes the moderating effect of initiator's attractiveness and brand image on the relation between trust and purchase intention. The results reveal that the higher involvement and interaction, the higher trust that initiators have, thus the purchase intention would be increased. Furthermore, more attractiveness and better brand image have positive moderating effect on the relations between trust and purchase intention.
Keywords: Involvement;Interaction;Trust;Initiator's Attractiveness;Brand Image;

瀏覽次數: 10673     下載次數: 178

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