
頁: 45-65
日期: 2005/03
摘要: 本研究之主要目的是探討影響我國醫院病歷電子化程度的關鍵因素,資料來源是衛生署所提供於民國92年舉辦「全國醫療院所病歷電子化現況調查作業」之調查資料,原始調查之樣本有效回收率為82.7%(N=607)。依據文獻及原始問卷比對的結果,自變數被分類為「組織特性」、「產業競爭」及「政府影響」等三個構面,依變數則為病歷電子化程度。複迴歸分析結果發現,對原始樣本當中218家已導入電子病歷系統的醫院資料而言,「規模」、「資訊科技投資」、「醫院支持政策程度」是影響醫院病歷電子化程度的關鍵因素,即醫院的規模越大、資訊科技投資越多、醫療院所對政策的支持程度越高者,病歷電子化程度就越高。研究成果可提供醫院主管發展電子病歷時的決策建議,也可提供衛生署主管單位輔導醫療院所時之參考。
關鍵字: 電子病歷;病歷電子化程度;影響因素;次級資料分析;

The Critical Factors Affecting Hospital Adoption of Electronic Medical Records in Taiwan: A Secondary Data Analysis

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify factors most important in diffusing the Electronic Medical Records System (EMR systems) among Taiwanese hospitals. A total of 590 hospitals participate a survey which was held by the Department of Health of Taiwan in 2003. The response rate was 97.2% (N=607). A model outlined three dimensions: Organizational Attributes, Business Competition, and Government Influences. The model was explored using multiple regression techniques to delineate the relative importance of eight variables within the three dimensions of factors and their effect on measure of diffusion of EMR systems. As a result, three factors, including ”hospital size”, ”the amount of IT investiment”, and ”the extent of support of governmental policy from hospital”, were identified as the critical factors which had significant impacts the diffusion of EMR systems among respondents. Base on the research findings, implications and limitations are discussed.
Keywords: Electronic Medical Records;IS Diffusion;Influencing Factors;Secondary Data Analysis;

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