頁: 91-109
日期: 2005/01
摘要: 視覺密碼是一個密碼學的新興研究領域,它與傳統密碼學的主要差異在於解密過程的不同。視覺密碼的方法是將一份機密影像加密成N份分享影像,參與機密分享的每個人都可以持有一份分享影像。一群被允許還原秘密的人將她們所持有的分享影像重疊在一起後,便可以直接透過肉眼看到機密訊息;而被禁止還原機密訊息的一群人便無法利用分享影像獲得任何機密訊息。視覺密碼學的主要精神在於解密的方法是透過人類視覺系統,而不需使用任何密碼學知識與計算機資源。在視覺密碼的研究中,降低像素擴展與提高對比是兩個重要的研究主題。大部分的視覺密碼方法都使用像素擴展的技巧,其結果是分享影像的大小被擴展成機密影像的M倍。像素擴展的結果不但使影像產生變形,同時也會產生不易攜帶與消耗更多儲存空間的問題。在本研究中,我們提出一個不需像素擴展的新方法。我們的方法結合機率的觀念,並考量安全性與對比兩項指標,建構出最佳化問題的模型。此外,我們應用遺傳演算法來求解最佳化的問題。實驗結果顯示我們的方法不但有效,而且還具有處理單一機密影像之任意使用結構(access structure)的能力。 原中文題目「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的視覺式秘密分享機制最佳化模型」刪除“機制最佳化”等五字,更改為「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的視覺式秘密分享模型」;原英文題目「A Probability-based Optimization Model for Visual Secret Sharing Schemes without Pixel Expansion」刪除”Optimization”一字,更改為「A Probability-based Model for Visual Secret Sharing Schemes without Pixel Expansion」。
關鍵字: 視覺密碼;視覺式秘密分享;遺傳演算法;
Abstract: Visual cryptography, which is characterized by its decryption process in comparison with the traditional ones, is an emerging cryptographic field. The method of visual cryptography is to encrypt a secret image into N shares such that any qualified set of participants can recover secret by their eyes. Any forbidden set of participants cannot obtain any secret information. In the study of visual cryptography, pixel expansion and contrast are two important issues. Most visual cryptographic methods are based on the technique of pixel expansion, and the result is that the size of each share is larger than that of the secret image. Pixel expansion not only results in distortion of the shares, but also consumes more storage space. In this paper, we propose a new method without pixel expansion. Our method combines concepts of probability with considerations of security and contrast to construct an optimization model. To solve the optimization problems, genetic algorithms are employed. Experimental results show that our method is effective and is able to cope with general access structures.
Keywords: visual cryptography;visual secret sharing;genetic algorithms;
瀏覽次數: 21404 下載次數: 334
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 91-109
日期: 2005/01
摘要: 視覺密碼是一個密碼學的新興研究領域,它與傳統密碼學的主要差異在於解密過程的不同。視覺密碼的方法是將一份機密影像加密成N份分享影像,參與機密分享的每個人都可以持有一份分享影像。一群被允許還原秘密的人將她們所持有的分享影像重疊在一起後,便可以直接透過肉眼看到機密訊息;而被禁止還原機密訊息的一群人便無法利用分享影像獲得任何機密訊息。視覺密碼學的主要精神在於解密的方法是透過人類視覺系統,而不需使用任何密碼學知識與計算機資源。在視覺密碼的研究中,降低像素擴展與提高對比是兩個重要的研究主題。大部分的視覺密碼方法都使用像素擴展的技巧,其結果是分享影像的大小被擴展成機密影像的M倍。像素擴展的結果不但使影像產生變形,同時也會產生不易攜帶與消耗更多儲存空間的問題。在本研究中,我們提出一個不需像素擴展的新方法。我們的方法結合機率的觀念,並考量安全性與對比兩項指標,建構出最佳化問題的模型。此外,我們應用遺傳演算法來求解最佳化的問題。實驗結果顯示我們的方法不但有效,而且還具有處理單一機密影像之任意使用結構(access structure)的能力。 原中文題目「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的視覺式秘密分享機制最佳化模型」刪除“機制最佳化”等五字,更改為「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的視覺式秘密分享模型」;原英文題目「A Probability-based Optimization Model for Visual Secret Sharing Schemes without Pixel Expansion」刪除”Optimization”一字,更改為「A Probability-based Model for Visual Secret Sharing Schemes without Pixel Expansion」。
關鍵字: 視覺密碼;視覺式秘密分享;遺傳演算法;
A Probability-based Model for Visual Secret Sharing Schemes without Pixel Expansion
Abstract: Visual cryptography, which is characterized by its decryption process in comparison with the traditional ones, is an emerging cryptographic field. The method of visual cryptography is to encrypt a secret image into N shares such that any qualified set of participants can recover secret by their eyes. Any forbidden set of participants cannot obtain any secret information. In the study of visual cryptography, pixel expansion and contrast are two important issues. Most visual cryptographic methods are based on the technique of pixel expansion, and the result is that the size of each share is larger than that of the secret image. Pixel expansion not only results in distortion of the shares, but also consumes more storage space. In this paper, we propose a new method without pixel expansion. Our method combines concepts of probability with considerations of security and contrast to construct an optimization model. To solve the optimization problems, genetic algorithms are employed. Experimental results show that our method is effective and is able to cope with general access structures.
Keywords: visual cryptography;visual secret sharing;genetic algorithms;
瀏覽次數: 21404 下載次數: 334
引用 導入Endnote