
頁: 57-89
日期: 2005/01
摘要: 物件導向開發方法的應用是近代軟體專案開發過程的一個重要研究領域,在導入一個大型物件軟體專案的過程中,需要專業化軟體開發技術及CASE工具的配合,但是若無建立一套完整的專案開發制度確實是一件相當困難的工作。有鑑於此,本研究根據Rational Rose公司發展的Rational Unified Process (RUP)的基礎架構,整合ISO9000-3的內涵與軟體工具發展出一套新的物件導向專案開發制度,提供研究者與實務界發展相關技術的參考依據。為驗證本研究提出的物件導向專案開發制度應用之可行性,以國內一家大型鋼鐵公司研發部門為實證對象,根據本研究的調查發現使用者對於建立與導入專案制度的重要需求與期望,在制度設計方面考慮的重要因素前三名分別為標準化、人員的角色與工作項目以及軟體工具的配合;至於對於專案制度內容之需求的重視程度的前三名分別為專案制度的完整性、專案制度資料內容取得的方便性與修改的彈性;其次,使用者認為影響專案制度導入成效的因素的重要性前三名分別為高階主管的重視與支持、導入適合的軟體工具、教育訓練工作;至於導入專案制度以後的主要績效前三名分別為縮短開發時程、降低開發的成本與提昇軟體品質。本制度最大的優點與特色是將制度建立在Web作業環境,使用者可以直接透過網路擷取相關作業標準,並予以應用在軟體專案的開發過程,因此導入與應用十分容易且學習時間較短,上述的研究成果可以提供軟體業者或資訊部門設計軟體專案制度之參考。
關鍵字: 物件導向方法;軟體專案管理;電腦輔助設計工程工具;

Development and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Software Project Management System: An Empirical Study in the R&D Department of a Steel Company

Abstract: Recently applications of OO methods become an important research topic in software project management. Implementations of OO software projects call for the applications of sophisticated software developing techniques and powerful software tools. However, it is very difficult in managing a large-scale and complicated OO software project without the support of a comprehensive management system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop an objected oriented software project management system to solve the above problems. The proposed system is based on the principles of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) developed by Rational corporation and ISO9000-3. To examine the feasibility of the proposed system, an empirical study in the R&D department of a steel company is conducted. Key issues in developing OO software project development systems are identified by using the questionnaire. The findings of the survey show that standards, role of software project developers and support of software tools are ranked top three factors in establishing project management systems; the comprehensiveness of project management systems, ease of use, and elasticity of improvements are ranked top three factors in the applications of project management systems; management supports, selection and applications of software tools and user trainings are ranked top three in the implementing process; reductions of development times, reductions of development costs and improvements of software quality are ranked top three major benefits of implementing project management systems. The advantages of the proposed system are adaptive and easy to be implemented on the web environments. Finally, some useful guidelines for implementing software project management systems are pointed out.
Keywords: Object Oriented Methods;Software Project Management;CASE Tools;

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