
頁: 109-138
日期: 2004/04
摘要: 隨著全球經濟的蓬勃發展及資訊科技無遠弗屆的影響,企業如何運用資訊科技以配合全球經濟的發展已是迫切的議題,企業必須調整腳步以因應全球競爭所帶來的改變。少有研究探討跨國組織與資訊科技間的關係,本研究目的是要瞭解國內目前跨國性全業的資訊科技應用現況,探討跨國性組織構形與資訊科技構形的配合關係,其配合關係對使用者滿意度是否有影響。 本研究採用個案訪談與問卷調查之兩階段方式進行資料的收集,樣本為十九家跨國性企業,研究結果驗証了跨國性組織構形與跨國性資訊科技構形的分類方式,研究發現構形配合與不配合的情況均存在,但是配合關係成立下的組織擁有較佳的資訊系統使用者滿意度。研究也發現不同類型的組織構形或資訊科技構形,其使用者滿意度並無不同,但是其兩者間的交互作用卻對使用者滿意度有顯著影響。研究也顯示組織整合度高於資訊科技整合度或資訊科技整合度高於組織整合度者,其資訊系統滿意度較差,這些不配合情況的原因,我們也根據訪談與事後討論試圖找出理由。
關鍵字: 資訊科技構形;資訊系統結構;組識構形;跨國性組識結構;國際管理;

The Impact of the Fit between Global Organizational Configurations and Information Technology Configurations on User Information Satisfaction

Abstract: The globalization of the world's industrial economies and the rapid changing information technology are forcing many multinational corporations to seek new ways to manage their far-flung organizations. Little research has been done to investigate the fit between information technology (IT) and organization in global competition. The purpose of this study is to explore the enabler role of information technology in a globally competing environment. The study examines the fit between information technology and global business configurations and investigates the impact of the fit on user information satisfaction (UIS). The study is conducted in two phases. A case research methodology is used to investigate the state of information technology and organization configuration in nineteen multinational corporations. Questionnaires are sent to end users of the subject corporations for examining user information satisfaction. The results verify the existence of IT and organizational typologies in multinational corporations. While both fit and misfit exist in real world, only the organizations with the state of fit have high level of user information satisfaction. Neither the global configurations nor the IT configurations alone have effect on user information satisfaction. However, the interactions of these two configurations significantly affect user information satisfaction. The results also indicate that the common misfits, high business integration with low IT integration and low business integration with high IT integration, have lower level user information satisfaction. The study seeks several potential reasons for these misfits.
Keywords: Information Technology Configuration;Information System Structure;Organizational Configuration;Inter-organizational Structure;International Management;

瀏覽次數: 11421     下載次數: 105

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