
頁: 147-167
日期: 2003/01
摘要: 網路(虛擬)組織剛開始只是專家學者心目中的一種未來組織型態,然而,由於資訊科技的進步一日千里,網路無遠弗屆,使得經營環境瞬息萬變,企業面臨更高度的競爭,而必須提昇競爭優勢,因此,使得網路組織這種嶄新的組織模式應運而生。本文目的是基於資訊技術的基礎建立台灣集團企業網路組織模式,採用問卷調查方式,以瞭解台灣集團企業資訊網路與集團企業間關係網路的潛在虛擬因素。問卷回收資料以相關分析、迴歸分析、探討研究變數之間的關係,以建立網路組織模式,接著分析模式的信度與效度,並且分析比較本模式與國外學者提出模式,以發掘潛在的管理涵義。本研究之網路組織模式,以及研究分析討論發掘的隱涵性貢獻,可以提供學術界與企業界參考。
關鍵字: 虛擬網路組織;關係網路;組織溝通協調;

The Study of Virtual Organization Model

Abstract: At the beginning, the network organization is just virtual organizational type in the future in the mind of experts and scholars. However, under the environment of information technology innovation and due to coping the enterprise competition of 21 century, a new organizational type (network organization) is generated. The purposes of the article are creating the network organization model of reputation in Taiwan. We use the correlation analysis, regression analysis to analyze the relationship between independent variables with dependent variable and complete the IT toward support the network organization model. This model can solve the communication and coordination problems while the network organization activities are at work and at the same time, it can solve the problems of the application and combination of sources, the transaction and agency cost, the design management and evaluation of IT toward the network organization at the stage of communication and coordination.
Keywords: Network virtual Organization;Relational Network;Communication and Coordination;

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