
頁: 81-106
日期: 2002/07
摘要: 本研究主要是研究資訊部門的權力基礎及資訊部門對組織各決策面的影響力。研究方法採用定量研究之大樣本調查研究法與定性研究中之多個案比較分析法,本研究共有六個發現:第一,專家權力是資訊部門權力結構中普遍而且重要的權力基礎,專家知識對於資訊部門權力極具重要性;第二,合法權力的重要性受到資訊部門位於組織的層級地位所影響;第三,資訊部門的策略地位愈高則訊息權愈大;第四,資訊部門的影響力最重要仍然是在新科技的引進等相關決策,但對於組織其他重要的決策之影響力亦具有某種程度一致性的影響;第五,「產業型態」會影響資訊部門的專家權及參考權的大小;第六,產業型態對資訊部門在組織的行銷、產能規劃、人力資源政策、及新科技引進等決策之影響力大小具有顯著性差異的影響。
關鍵字: 資訊部門權力基礎;資訊部門影響力;資訊部門管理;權力理論;

The Bases of Information Department's Power and Its Influence: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Abstract: This article reports how quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in the study of power bases and influence of information departments. The survey and multiple-cases research strategies were used. The six findings of this study are as follows: 1. Expert power is the most important one for information department. 2. The importance of legitimate power is affected by information department's hierarchy level. 3. The higher strategic level information department supports, the more information power it has. 4. The most important influence of information department is on the decision of inducting information technology. 5. The relationships are significant between industry factor and power bases of information department, including expert power and referent power. 6. The relationships are significant between industry factor and influence of information department on these decisions, including marketing decisions, capacity planning decisions, and inducting IT decisions.
Keywords: Power Bases;Information Department's Influence;Information Department Management;Power Theory;

瀏覽次數: 7833     下載次數: 60

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