
頁: 217-239
日期: 2002/07
摘要: 近年來國內資訊管理系所有大幅的成長,至民國90年時,資管系所共有90個,而教師人數也達1000人之多,因此亟需建立一套標準來衡量與瞭解國內資訊管理學域的研究績效。本研究即根據此一目標,透過參考相關研究與專家意見的方式,篩選區分出資訊管理研究領域之學術期刊等級,以建立一套研究績效的評量指標,並以這套指標來瞭解目前國內各大學院校資訊管理系所在研究方面的表現。調查結果發現,無論是國外期刊或是總論文數量,整體來說都是與年俱增,顯示出資管學域在研究上的努力。然而在資管核心期刊與非資管核心期刊發表狀況的排名上則有非常顯著的差異,顯示出國內不少資管系學者所做的研究與國外資管核心領域有相當的落差存在。另一方面,在SCI論文和SSCI論文的排名上,也有顯著的差異,代表各資管系所的重點不同,有些偏重資訊技術,另一些則較偏重管理面。此外,本研究也發現發表在A類期刊的數量只有B類期刊的四分之一不到,可見這些資管頂級期刊的難度相當高,這也是國內資管學者未來的重要努力方向。
關鍵字: 資訊管理;期刊著作;研究評鑑;

A Survey of Journal Publications of MIS Departments in Taiwan

Abstract: MIS departments at higher educational institutions in Taiwan and their faculty members have experienced a dramatic growth in recent years. Up to the year of 2001, the total number of MIS departments in Taiwan has reached 90, and the number of their faculty members has accumulated to 1000. Hence, it is imperative to establish a standard for evaluating and comprehending the performance of researches in MIS fields. To meet this need, we develop a set of research performance indicators by ranking academic journals in MIS field obtained from related studies and experts' judgment. These indicators are then applied to comprehend the research performance of each MIS department under investigation. Results of investigation indicate that, the aggregate performance on the total number of papers published in the selected journals grows with years in general. This implies that MIS research in Taiwan is growing. However, a substantial majority of papers were published in non-MIS core journals. This fact reveals that a noticeable gap exists between the research perceived by many MIS scholars in Taiwan and the international MIS research. On the other hand, the rankings of MIS departments on SCI and SSCI journals significantly vary. This finding shows that each MIS department has a different emphasis. Some of them focus more on IT fields, while others lay particular stress on aspects of management. Moreover, a finding in this study displays the number of papers published in type A journal is significantly less than that of type B journals. It is perceived that publishing in these top MIS journals is relatively difficult.
Keywords: Information Management;Journal Publications;Research Evaluations;

瀏覽次數: 15763     下載次數: 198

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