
頁: 107-134
日期: 2002/07
摘要: 應用系統的發展從以前的部門資訊系統,到企業整體資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning),再延伸到橫跨企業組織的供應鏈管理系統(Supply Chain Management),加上與客戶直接互動的電子商務系統(Electronic Commerce),應用系統的複雜度越來越高,對系統品質及穩定度的要求也越發重視,軟體從業人員面臨的效率與品質的挑戰也越加困難。自從UML (Unified Modeling Language)被接受為物件導向塑模標準之後,一向被認為是解決軟體發展根本之道的物件導向技術逐漸為市場接受,可惜,物件導向系統發展流程並未標準化,尋求一個提昇效率與彈性的軟體開發流程仍然是應用系統發展者最需要的。在物件導向技術中,企業框架(business framework)提供不只是類別再用還有設計再用的完整架構,從系統分析設計到實作、測試及維護皆能以其標準化的企業物件。系統開發方式及彈性架構降低整體成本。使用企業框架的應用系統並不需要完全重新開發,而是藉由映對再用現有軟體元件,然而框架提供廠商通常欠缺一套結合物件導向分析設計及企業框架的完整系統發展方法,本研究透過對物件導向塑模語言、軟體工程及專案管理和企業應用框架的研究與了解,試圖結合UM、Unified Process及San Francisco Framework,彙整出一套框架式物件導向系統發展方法(Framework-Based Object-Oriented System Development Approach),以期有效提昇應用系統開發的生產力及品質,成為新一代應用系統開發方法。
關鍵字: 物件導向技術;企業框架;系統發展;

A Study on Framework-Based Object-Oriented System Development

Abstract: The uprising application requirements due to the roaring electronic commerce increase the complexity of application software. The maintainability and scalability of the system have to be enhanced to ensure the software quality. To enhance the flexibility of enterprise systems, the concept of business frameworks is proposed to provide the semi-product and allow further refinement based on the application needs. In addition to object-oriented techniques, a framework adopts the concept of pattern to escalate the software reuse from the class level of reuse to the design level of reuse. A framework-based application system is not built from scratch. The mapping activities along with the system development process induce the extensive model element reuse at various levels. UMIL has been accepted as the standard object-oriented modeling language. However, the process of object-oriented system development is not standardized. This study proposed a framework-based object-oriented system development approach to provide some guidelines and document formats for the theoretical concept formulation and practical use.
Keywords: Object-Oriented Techniques;Business Framework;System Development;

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