
頁: 31-56
日期: 2002/02
摘要: CRM是繼ERP,SCM以後,e企業用來提昇競爭優勢的重要經營模式。其主要目的是利用高效能的資訊科技,例如Data Warehouse、Data Mining、OLAP、Internet web等快速的收集、分析顧客的資訊,深入了解顧客需求後,執行有效率的、一對一的顧客互動式服務,達到提昇顧客滿意度,忠誠度,留住率與顧客終生價值。 CRM在MIS還是一個新的領域,極需學者投入與參與,本文的目的是在收集與CRM相關的理論模式或架構,並簡要的討論其中重要的研究變數,期望能利用這些相關的模式,提出一些可能的研究議題來引發以後學者的繼續深入的探討,本文將與CRM相關的三十個研究架構或模式,分為策略目標、競爭策略、經營模式與基礎架構等四個層次,在此架構內並將其歸類為下列九群,並對其作摘要式分析探討(1)CRM的目的模式(2)CRM與企業的競爭策略(3)CRM與企業的市場策略定位(4)CRM與顧客關係演進策略模式(5)企業的CRM經營模式(6)CRM與企業的通路管理模式(7)CRM的引進模式(8)CRM的IT Infrastructure (9)CRM與知識管理。
關鍵字: 顧客關係管理;顧客價值;顧客知識;顧客忠誠度;資料倉儲;

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Research Frameworks and Some Essential Research Issues

Abstract: Following the steps of ERP and SCM, CRM has emerged as a key strategic weapon for E-business. By using such advanced and powerful IT tools as Data Warehouse, Data Mining, OLAP and Internet, CRM is capable to collect and analyze huge volume of customer's information to understand customers, perform one to one marketing arid provide customized product. The ultimate goal of CRM is to increase customer's satisfaction, retention rate and loyalty. CRM is still a new research area for MIS. There is a lack of both exploratory and empirical research. The purpose of this study is to survey and classify some CRM-related research frameworks and models. Then some essential CRM variables and potential research topics are also discussed and proposed. Thirty CRM-related research models have been studied and classified as four levels; such as strategic goal, market strategy, business process and infrastructure, within this four level framework, models are also clustered as following nine areas: (1) CRM and its Goal Models (2) CRM and Business Strategic Advantage (3) CRM and Market Position (4) CRM and Customer Relationship Evolving Models (5) CRM and Business Models (6) CRM and Channel Management (7) CRM Implementation Models (8) CRM and IT Infrastructure (9) CRM and Knowledge Management.
Keywords: CRM;Customer Value;Customer Knowledge;Customer Loyalty;Data Warehouse;

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