
頁: 23-44
日期: 2002/01
摘要: 本研究的目的是要探討現有環境下,企業應用電子商務的導入因素、實施策略與實施績效間的關係。根據對國內企業進行問卷調查所得資料,經由因素分析、規則相關分析、集群分析、變異數分析及多重比較檢定等方法之分析後得到以下四點發現:(一)電子商務的導入因素會影響其實施策略,其與實施策略之教育訓練實施及系統發展整合等二因素的相關尤其顯著。(二)電子商務的實施策略會影響其實施績效,其與系統績效及營業績效二者皆有非常顯著的相關。(三)電子商務的導入因素與實施績效之關係並不顯著,即導入因素並不會影響其實施績效。(四)在系統績效方面,採全面積極型實施策略之企業比訓練導向型較佳,訓練導向型企業則比消極隨意型為優;而在營業績效方面,則全面積極型企業較消極隨意型企業佳。
關鍵字: 電子商務;導入因素;實施策略;績效;

A Study on the Relationship among Adoption Factors, Implementation Strategies, and Performance of Enterprise's Electronic Commerce Application

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among adoption factors, implementation strategies and implementation performance for enterprises to implement electronic commerce application. A questionnaire survey was conducted and the returned data were analyzed by statistical methods including factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and multiple comparison test. Several findings are obtained: (1) The adoption factors may affect the implementation strategies of EC. Especially, they are significantly correlated with the strategy factors of training and system integration. (2) The implementation strategies will affect the performance of EC implementation. They are very significantly correlated with both system performance and business performance. (3) The adoption factors are not correlated with the performance of EC implementation. (4) The system performance of the overall aggressive strategy is better than the training-oriented strategy, but the latter is better than the passive strategy. For business performance, the overall aggressive strategy is also better than the passive strategy.
Keywords: electronic commerce EC;adoption factor;implementation strategy;performance;

瀏覽次數: 6417     下載次數: 61

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