
頁: 193-214
日期: 2001/01
摘要: 本研究有別於傳統功能主義(functionalism)導向的分析方式,而以適應性結構化理論(Adaptive Structuration Theory, AST)為基礎,由群體使用Web遠距合作學習系統(Web-based Collaborative Distance Learning Systems, WCDL)的調適(adaptation)過程,來探討對WCDL成功使用的影響,以期釐清群體使用系統的調適過程與系統使用結果之間的關係。經實證結果證實代表群體使用系統調適過程的四個構面:「WCDL選用的忠實度」(faithfulness of appropriation toward the WCDL)、「WCDL選用的共識程度」(The degree of consensus on System appropriation)、「易於使用的認知」(Perceived ease of use)及「有用性認知」(Perceived usefulness)等四項系統使用調適過程之相關因素,是WCDL成功使用的主要直接影響因素。根據本研究結果,相對於過去許多群體支援系統(Group Support Systems, GSS的研究,由於忽視使用過程的影響,而產生研究結果不一致的情形,本研究將有助於引導WCDL未來正確的研究方向。
關鍵字: 遠距學習;合作學習;適應性結構化理論;

The Impact of System Adaptation on Web-based Collaborative Distance Learning System Success: A Study Based on Adaptive Structuration Theory

Abstract: Instead of using functionalism-oriented viewpoint, this study uses Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) to identifies the impact of system adaptation process on web-based collaborative distance learning system (WCDL) success. Specifically, four system adaptation attributes important to success with this emerging systems are studied: 1) faithfulness of appropriation toward the WCDL, 2) consensus on appropriation of WCDL, 3) perceived usefulness, and 4) perceived ease of use. Through structural equation modeling approach, the results indicate that the four variables explain a significant percentage of the variance in the WCDL success. Based on the results with the condition of the early functionalism approach resulted in conflicting research results, as the influence of the process of system use was often not considered. This study provides a proper approach for WCDL future research.
Keywords: Distance Learning;Collaborative Learning;Adaptive Structuration Theory;

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