
頁: 77-95
日期: 2010/12
摘要: 近來對文化差異在電子商務中的影響的研究漸漸興起,而學者也呼籲未來的電子商務研究需要更多的從文化價值觀來著墨,以深度了解不同文化價值觀帶來的細微,或是顯著的不同。本研究探討在網路銀行中文化價值觀差異對顧客的影響,聚焦於文化價值觀中的不確定性規避對顧客感受到的服務公平性與滿意度之間關係的影響。通過對131份問卷的分析,我們發現在網路銀行中,不確定性規避在服務公平性與顧客滿意度及服務公平性與信任之間起到了調節的作用。具體來說,具有高不確定性規避的顧客在同樣程度的服務公平性提升下,相對低不確定性規避的顧客而言,感受到更高的滿意度,也對服務提供者發展出更深的信任,而反之,同樣程度的服務公平性減少對高不確定性規避的顧客造成的滿意度與信任傷害也比低不確定性規避的顧客更顯著。
關鍵字: 服務公平性;不確定性規避;信任;顧客價值;顧客滿意度;


Abstract: A growing number of studies have addressed the role of culture in ecommerce recently and more research on ecommerce with a cultural perspective is called for to further understand the nuances, and sometimes vast differences between customers of different cultural background. This article explores the issue of cultural differences in the context of online banking and examines one particular cultural dimension: uncertainty avoidance's impact on how customers' perception of fairness affects customer satisfaction. 131 surveys were analyzed and results show that uncertainty avoidance has a significant role moderating effect on the fairness-satisfaction and fairness-trust relationship for online banking customers. The findings suggest that customers with high uncertainty avoidance experience more satisfaction and develop more trust toward the service provider of online banking when they perceive that they have been treated fairly than customers with relatively low uncertainty avoidance and vice versa.
Keywords: Service Fairness;Uncertainty Avoidance;Trust;Perceived Customer Value;and Satisfaction;

瀏覽次數: 16085     下載次數: 1556

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