
頁: 215-246
日期: 2021/04
摘要: 在資訊科技的蓬勃發展下,語音助理已有長足的發展。它結合自然語言處理、機器學習以及人工智慧,透過語音互動式介面,幫助人們在手機上處理事務,並逐步運用至不同情境。本研究以消費者價值與風險為基礎,建立影響使用者持續使用語音助理的因素架構,包含五大構面、十七項準則;接著應用決策實驗室分析法加上模糊網路層級分析法,對於此多準則決策問題進行專家問卷訪談,最後獲得十七項準則之權重與排序。經過分析發現:當手機用戶考量是否持續使用語音助理時,最重要的兩個構面是新奇價值與風險;而在準則層次,嘗鮮性、探索性以及隱私顧慮則是最重要的前三名。本研究之結果應可為廠商於後續顧客推廣與產品開發帶來幫助,對後續個人語音助理之未來相關產品研究也有參考價值。
關鍵字: 語音助理;決策實驗室分析法;模糊網路層級分析法;消費者價值;手機;

Exploring the Continuous Usage Factors of Cellphone Voice-based Assistant

Abstract: Purpose-This study aims to conduct a multiple-criteria decision analysis on the decision problem while users considering whether to continuously use cellphone voice-based assistant. Design/methodology/approach-Based on consumer value and risk, we proposed an evaluation structure including five dimensions and seventeen factors through which smart phone users would decide whether to continue using voice assistant. We applied DEMATEL and FANP to these multi-criteria decision-making problem and obtained weights and rankings of seventeen factors. Findings-The analysis results indicated that the most important dimension is epistemic value, and the second is risk. In terms of the factor level, the top three factors are curiosity, exploration and privacy concerns. Research limitations/implications-The interviewees of this study were aged between 21 and 35. Future research might investigate other people, such as, older persons, who might like to communicate and give commands by voice, or school-age children, who need learning via voice. Practical implications - The results could help manufacturers in customer promotion and product development, as well as provide references for future research of voice assistants. Originality/value-About the decision of cellphone voice-based assistant, past studies have not considered its continuous usage factors from an overall multi-criteria decision-making perspective.
Keywords: Voice Assistants;DEMATEL;FANP;Consumers Value;Cellphone;

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