
頁: 183-214
日期: 2021/04
摘要: 本研究在新型冠狀病毒疫情衝擊,電子商務商機崛起的脈絡下,探討認知彈性、創造力與電子商務創業意圖的關係,同時也探討創業自我效能在上述三者之間的中介效果。研究樣本取自社群平台之電子商務創業社團,徵求群內的大學生為研究對象,共回收195份有效問卷進行實證分析。研究結論得知,認知彈性、創造力、創業自我效能對電子商務創業意圖有正向顯著的直接效果,認知彈性也會正向影響創造力,支持個人會根據自己能力和技能,配合職業環境的要求和期望認知而影響其生涯選擇。至於創業自我效能,在認知彈性、創造力對電子商務創業意圖關係亦扮演中介角色。
關鍵字: 認知彈性;創造力;創業自我效能;電子商務創業意圖;疫情衝擊;

The Study among Cognitive Flexibility, Creativity, and E-Entrepreneurial Intentions in the Context of Pandemic Shocks

Abstract: Purpose-E-commerce is emerging as a major pillar in the fight against Covid-19. In such a context, this study investigates the role of cognitive flexibility and creativity as antecedents of e-entrepreneurial intentions in the context of pandemic shocks. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy was also introduced as a mediator of such relationships. Design/methodology/approach-Data were collected through surveys distributed to a Facebook club of e-commerce & startup of university students, who may become (but are not yet) entrepreneurs, as our aim was to investigate factors that explain an individual's intentions to pursue a career in entrepreneurship in pandemic shocks. A total of 195 questionnaires were collected. Structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS software was used for data analysis purposes. Findings-Results demonstrate cognitive flexibility and creativity have a strong positive relationship with e-entrepreneurial intentions, entrepreneurial self-efficacy can be considered only a partial mediator of this relationship. It suggests that cognitive flexibility and creativity constitute on their own as a sufficient driver to intend to start an e-intentions in starting a new business in the age of turbulence. Research limitations/implications-We focus on a particular environmental and industrial setting. Testing these predictions in other contexts and making some comparisons could contribute to the generalizability of results. And we have only tested how the development of intentions takes place, rather than the likelihood of the actual business establishment. Future research can focus on active entrepreneurs to add dimensions to the present model, such as performance and profit growth. Practical implications - The results support the notion that being cognitively flexible about entrepreneurial founding activities and perceive themselves to be creative is likely going to lead individuals to the development of context-related e-entrepreneurial intentions in the face of daunting obstacles. Educators in academia could revise the taught programs on entrepreneurship, the focus could be on cultivating students the skill of creative problem solving and flexible thinking, instead of depicting general scenarios of business start-ups. Besides, confidence and belief in one's own capabilities takes a central part in shaping human behavior. Originality/value - The findings advance the understanding of the nascent entrepreneurship phenomenon within the context of the pandemic shocks. We capture both personal and environmental factors that form entrepreneurial career choices. The study provides a different viewpoint on intentions to start a specific business using a more relevant environmental setting.
Keywords: cognitive flexibility;creativity;entrepreneurial self-efficacy;e-entrepreneurial intentions;pandemic shocks;

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