
頁: 131-154
日期: 2017/04
摘要: 如何增加虛擬社群知識貢獻,已經成為業界與學界關注的議題。由於虛擬社群中的知識貢獻存在著挑戰,過去的研究看法也不一致,為了填補這些研究缺口,本研究整合社會影響力與社會交換中的效益與限制雙元模式,發展理論模式來解釋持續知識貢獻意圖的成因。理論模式的重點在於了解社會關係的內涵、成因、與影響。依據雙元模式,本研究將快速關係視為社會關係的具體實現,並且專注在效益導向與限制導向兩個層面,同時考量其成因與對持續知識貢獻意圖的影響。另外,本研究將社會影響力視為快速關係的成因,包括社群參與以及線上自我呈現來反映社會影響力。本研究模式透過分析233 份問卷的實證研究結果,支持所提出的模式。結果顯示,社會影響力正面影響快速關係的建立,這種關係進一步影響持續知識貢獻意圖。本研究並討論結果的理論與管理意涵。
關鍵字: 虛擬社群;效益與限制雙元性;持續知識貢獻意圖;快速關係;社會影響力;

Understanding Continued Intention of Knowledge Contribution-Dual Model of Dedication-Constraint

Abstract: Purpose-This study aims to understand the formation of knowledge contribution in e-communities from a dedication-constraint perspective. Design/methodology/approach-This study uses a survey-based approach to collect data from 233 respondents. PLS method is used to analyze the data. Findings-Empirical results show that social influence positively affects swift guanxi, which in turn exerts positive influence on continuance for knowledge contribution. Research limitations-The generalization of our findings to western countries should focus on the impact of culture difference on social influence, and how this influences knowledge contribution. Practical implications - Our results provide e-community managers with guidelines regarding the antecedents and consequences of building swift guanxi. Specifically, we offer evidence on the impact of these antecedents, in terms of e-community involvement and online self-presentation norms. We conceptualize swift guanxi as two dimensions, including dedication-based and constraint-based, and show that they have positive influence on knowledge contribution. The measurement of these dimensions, involvement, and self-presentation norms give managers detailed guidelines about e-community management. Originality/value-This study presents new insights into how to build swift guanxi and what is the impact of different types of swift guanxi (dedication-based, constraint-based) on continuance for knowledge contribution in an e-community setting.
Keywords: virtual community;dedication-constraint framework;knowledge contribution;swift guanxi;social influence;

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