頁: 445-472
日期: 2016/10
摘要: 社群用戶達全球之冠的臉書,具備高度分享性與社交性的平台特色,儘管許多使用者有隱私顧慮,甚至有人因此退出,但是並不影響其高使用人氣,大部分用戶仍不斷分享許多個人資訊,這種隱私與行為悖離的矛盾現象是值得探討的問題。本研究從傳播隱私管理論(communication privacy management; CPM)出發,探討社會隱私顧慮與人氣需求這兩個主要因素,如何影響臉書使用者的隱私管理行為。本研究共蒐集543份問卷,以結構方程式分析的結果發現,社會隱私顧慮會正向影響邊界擁有行為,臉書人氣需求則會正向影響邊界滲透與邊界連結行為,但是不會影響邊界擁有行為。研究結果不僅延伸CPM理論至臉書場域的應用,並以理論主軸-隱私管理乃風險與利益之權衡,其目的為追求兼具揭露需求的滿足與保有自我的最佳水平,為隱私態度與行為不一致之「隱私矛盾」現象,提供新的詮釋。
關鍵字: 臉書;資訊揭露;人氣需求;傳播隱私管理;
Abstract: Purpose - The worldwide popularity of Facebook signifies the human desire for identity, popularity, and relationships. While Facebook allows users with an opportunity to ideally present themselves and to reach a large audience base, concerns over privacy has also swirled. The goal of this study is to explore how Facebook users' needs for popularity and privacy concerns may influence their privacy management behaviors on Facebook within the theoretical framework of communication privacy management (CPM). Design/methodology/approach - An online field survey was conducted and structural equation modeling using AMOS was conducted to test the research model. Findings - This study found that social privacy concerns is positively related to boundary permeability behaviors. Need for popularity is also a significant predictor of boundary permeability and boundary linkage behaviors. Research limitations/implications - Findings of this study not only support the theoretical framework of CPM and implications on privacy paradox are also explained. While a convenience sample was drawn in the current study and participants tend to be younger, future research may want to consider comparing Facebook privacy management strategies of two user groups, young and old. Practical implications - For the social platform developers, it is suggested that providing a wild variety of privacy setting functions is essential in the current market. Originality/value - This study empirically explored Facebook users' balance between popularity need and privacy concerns within the context of CPM and provides suggestions to social platform developers as well as individual users.
Keywords: Facebook, information disclosure, need for popularity, communication privacy management;
瀏覽次數: 29744 下載次數: 580
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 445-472
日期: 2016/10
摘要: 社群用戶達全球之冠的臉書,具備高度分享性與社交性的平台特色,儘管許多使用者有隱私顧慮,甚至有人因此退出,但是並不影響其高使用人氣,大部分用戶仍不斷分享許多個人資訊,這種隱私與行為悖離的矛盾現象是值得探討的問題。本研究從傳播隱私管理論(communication privacy management; CPM)出發,探討社會隱私顧慮與人氣需求這兩個主要因素,如何影響臉書使用者的隱私管理行為。本研究共蒐集543份問卷,以結構方程式分析的結果發現,社會隱私顧慮會正向影響邊界擁有行為,臉書人氣需求則會正向影響邊界滲透與邊界連結行為,但是不會影響邊界擁有行為。研究結果不僅延伸CPM理論至臉書場域的應用,並以理論主軸-隱私管理乃風險與利益之權衡,其目的為追求兼具揭露需求的滿足與保有自我的最佳水平,為隱私態度與行為不一致之「隱私矛盾」現象,提供新的詮釋。
關鍵字: 臉書;資訊揭露;人氣需求;傳播隱私管理;
Conceal or Disclose: Exploring Factors Affecting Facebook Users' Privacy Management Behavior
Abstract: Purpose - The worldwide popularity of Facebook signifies the human desire for identity, popularity, and relationships. While Facebook allows users with an opportunity to ideally present themselves and to reach a large audience base, concerns over privacy has also swirled. The goal of this study is to explore how Facebook users' needs for popularity and privacy concerns may influence their privacy management behaviors on Facebook within the theoretical framework of communication privacy management (CPM). Design/methodology/approach - An online field survey was conducted and structural equation modeling using AMOS was conducted to test the research model. Findings - This study found that social privacy concerns is positively related to boundary permeability behaviors. Need for popularity is also a significant predictor of boundary permeability and boundary linkage behaviors. Research limitations/implications - Findings of this study not only support the theoretical framework of CPM and implications on privacy paradox are also explained. While a convenience sample was drawn in the current study and participants tend to be younger, future research may want to consider comparing Facebook privacy management strategies of two user groups, young and old. Practical implications - For the social platform developers, it is suggested that providing a wild variety of privacy setting functions is essential in the current market. Originality/value - This study empirically explored Facebook users' balance between popularity need and privacy concerns within the context of CPM and provides suggestions to social platform developers as well as individual users.
Keywords: Facebook, information disclosure, need for popularity, communication privacy management;
瀏覽次數: 29744 下載次數: 580
引用 導入Endnote