
頁: 305-333
日期: 2016/07
摘要: 資訊科技與網際網路日趨進步,許多知名資訊服務業大廠於近年積極佈局該市場,形成雲端運算蓬勃之勢。但對於企業而言,採用雲端運算實則是一項複雜之決策。本研究以創新擴散理論與過往相關學術研究文獻為基礎,探討影響企業對於雲端運算採用之因素,郵寄紙本問卷調查2,100間公司,共回收294份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為14.07%。由區別分析之結果發現,顯著影響企業採用雲端運算之原因依序為下列八項因素-安全性、相對利益、成本、組織成員資訊能力、可攜性、組織領導者具備知識、政府支持、高階主管支持。此結果可提供未來欲導入雲端運算之企業,會計師事務所、資訊服務業者、政府機關等作為參考。
關鍵字: 雲端運算;創新擴散理論;資訊科技採用;關鍵因素;

Critical Factors of Cloud Computing Adoption

Abstract: Purpose-The effort of many famous information technology service providers increasingly expands market share of cloud computing industry and affecting the trend of cloud computing adoption. For a company, the decision of adopting cloud computing is complicated. In view of this new information technology trend, the main purpose of this study is to examine the critical factors of cloud computing adoption based on Innovation Diffusion Theory and past research. Design/methodology/approach - This study collected quantitative data via questionnaire. The survey was conducted among 2,100 enterprises in Taiwan, 294 usable responses were obtained with the response rate of 14.07%. Findings-This study found that security, relative advantage, cost, employees' information technology skill, portability, leader's information technology knowledge, government support, and top management support have significant effect on cloud computing adoption. Research limitations/implications-This study suggested future works could employ certain qualitative methods such as case study to explore more reasons of adopting cloud computing. Practical implications-The results shed light on various companies, CPA firms, information technology service providers, and government for cloud computing adoption. The non-adopting companies also could refer to the results when they plan to implement some cloud computing technology. Originality/value-There has been limited empirical study on determining what factors influence the adoption of cloud computing. With advances in information technology and Internet, cloud computing has become more popular. This study provides a comprehensive framework to facilitate decision makers to consider their cloud computing projects.
Keywords: cloud computing;innovation diffusion theory;IT adoption;critical factors;

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