頁: 63-98
日期: 2016/01
摘要: 由於網際網路購物的便利性與立即性,許多創新商品與服務被引入消費市場中以吸引消費者的青睞,使得不少人在追求物質的慾望上被激發而出現難以得到滿足感的現象。此種追求即刻滿足而無法控制的強迫性購買之現象,已日益普遍。目前,大多數研究著重於探究實體商店上之衝動性購買與網路衝動性購買,鮮少有相關研究針對網路強迫性購買之議題進行探入之探討。另一方面,在探究消費者購物行為時,不應只從正面探討,亦應將負面行為也納入探討,才不致以偏蓋全。故本研究將從消費者負面之行為引入網路購物的情境當中,探討影響網路強迫性購買傾向的因素。本研究引用神迷理論、流行傾向性及相關之動機因素,針對435份回收樣本篩選出132位高網路強迫性購買傾向的網購消費者,實證相關因素與網路強迫性購買傾向間之關係。本研究結果發現,神迷相關因素中,專注、時間扭曲、探索行為及有趣性會強化網路強迫性購買傾向;在流行傾向性中,流行領導與流行興趣會影響網路強迫性購買傾向;動機因素方面,社會互動趨避及同儕影響亦會強化網路強迫性購買傾向。
關鍵字: 網路強迫性購買傾向;神迷理論;流行傾向性;網際網路購物;
Abstract: Purpose-Drawing on flow theory, fashion orientation, and motivation factors, this study tried to examine the relationships among related factors with Internet compulsive buying tendency. Design/methodology/approach-The subjects of this study were consumers who had shopping experiences online. For the sake of research rigor, both convenience sampling and snowball sampling were used to distribute the questionnaire. The data from the online and paper questionnaires were combined to obtain diverse sample sources. LISREL Structural Equation Modeling was used to assess the research model. A two-step approach was applied to data analysis. The first step involved the analysis of the measurement model, which demonstrated a sufficient level of validity and reliability. The second step was the structural model testing. Findings- Findings showed that concentration, time distortion, exploratory behavior, playfulness, fashion leadership, interesting in fashion, avoiding social interaction, and peer networks have direct effects on Internet compulsive buying tendency. Research limitations/implications-It is recommended that other antecedents may be incorporated to determine their influences on dependent variables. Thus, further works may integrate these critical factors into research to examine their effects toward Internet compulsive buying tendency. Practical implications-For marketers, it is imperative to understand how to exploit the consumer's shopping psychology and to understand purchase trends. Retailers may pay more intentions to related factors in evaluating consumers' value of online compulsive shopping, and these factors also make it easier to predict consumer tendencies toward Internet shopping. Originality/value-Many studies to date have explored the issue of compulsive buying in the context of physical stores. However, little research has been examined compulsive buying factors in the context of the Internet shopping. In the consideration of the "bright side" for consumer behavior, understanding of the "dark side" is as well as applying it to the context of the Internet shopping are also important for marketer and researchers.
Keywords: Internet compulsive buying tendency;flow theory;fashion orientation;Internet buying;
瀏覽次數: 31691 下載次數: 2442
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 63-98
日期: 2016/01
摘要: 由於網際網路購物的便利性與立即性,許多創新商品與服務被引入消費市場中以吸引消費者的青睞,使得不少人在追求物質的慾望上被激發而出現難以得到滿足感的現象。此種追求即刻滿足而無法控制的強迫性購買之現象,已日益普遍。目前,大多數研究著重於探究實體商店上之衝動性購買與網路衝動性購買,鮮少有相關研究針對網路強迫性購買之議題進行探入之探討。另一方面,在探究消費者購物行為時,不應只從正面探討,亦應將負面行為也納入探討,才不致以偏蓋全。故本研究將從消費者負面之行為引入網路購物的情境當中,探討影響網路強迫性購買傾向的因素。本研究引用神迷理論、流行傾向性及相關之動機因素,針對435份回收樣本篩選出132位高網路強迫性購買傾向的網購消費者,實證相關因素與網路強迫性購買傾向間之關係。本研究結果發現,神迷相關因素中,專注、時間扭曲、探索行為及有趣性會強化網路強迫性購買傾向;在流行傾向性中,流行領導與流行興趣會影響網路強迫性購買傾向;動機因素方面,社會互動趨避及同儕影響亦會強化網路強迫性購買傾向。
關鍵字: 網路強迫性購買傾向;神迷理論;流行傾向性;網際網路購物;
Examining the Factors Influencing Internet Compulsive Buying Tendency
Abstract: Purpose-Drawing on flow theory, fashion orientation, and motivation factors, this study tried to examine the relationships among related factors with Internet compulsive buying tendency. Design/methodology/approach-The subjects of this study were consumers who had shopping experiences online. For the sake of research rigor, both convenience sampling and snowball sampling were used to distribute the questionnaire. The data from the online and paper questionnaires were combined to obtain diverse sample sources. LISREL Structural Equation Modeling was used to assess the research model. A two-step approach was applied to data analysis. The first step involved the analysis of the measurement model, which demonstrated a sufficient level of validity and reliability. The second step was the structural model testing. Findings- Findings showed that concentration, time distortion, exploratory behavior, playfulness, fashion leadership, interesting in fashion, avoiding social interaction, and peer networks have direct effects on Internet compulsive buying tendency. Research limitations/implications-It is recommended that other antecedents may be incorporated to determine their influences on dependent variables. Thus, further works may integrate these critical factors into research to examine their effects toward Internet compulsive buying tendency. Practical implications-For marketers, it is imperative to understand how to exploit the consumer's shopping psychology and to understand purchase trends. Retailers may pay more intentions to related factors in evaluating consumers' value of online compulsive shopping, and these factors also make it easier to predict consumer tendencies toward Internet shopping. Originality/value-Many studies to date have explored the issue of compulsive buying in the context of physical stores. However, little research has been examined compulsive buying factors in the context of the Internet shopping. In the consideration of the "bright side" for consumer behavior, understanding of the "dark side" is as well as applying it to the context of the Internet shopping are also important for marketer and researchers.
Keywords: Internet compulsive buying tendency;flow theory;fashion orientation;Internet buying;
瀏覽次數: 31691 下載次數: 2442
引用 導入Endnote