
頁: 169-195
日期: 2010/12
摘要: 國際金融交易在全球化與市場整合趨勢下,近十年來,呈現大幅成長。為提高營運效能並維持市場競爭力,許多業者相繼採用「跨組織資訊系統(Inter-organizational Systems, IOS)」以進行自動化交易。這項科技可以有效降低人為疏失,提高跨國金融業務往來之效率與效能。然而,跨國組織在資訊系統的採納過程中,卻有地域性的差異。本研究由「科技思維框架(technological frames analysis)」的觀點,以質性研究方法,探討歐洲基金投資機構與其在台灣分銷銀行間,於跨組織資訊系統的科技採納過程。主要研究發現有三。第一,科技採納的利益相關團體(stakeholder group)對資訊系統的預期效益,深受所處之社會經濟結構所影響。第二,社會或組織則透過「重塑(reframing)」科技框架過程,影響利益相關團體對科技的採納。第三,資訊科技的成功擴散,和組織型塑科技願景(organizing vision)影響產業成員思維,並進而採納有密切關聯。本研究,在理論與應用層次方面所提出的三個假設,期望能提供未來後續相關研究作為參考。
關鍵字: 資訊科技採納;跨組織金融資訊系統;科技思維框架分析;全球化資訊系統;質性研究方法;


Abstract: The digitalization of globally integrated markets over the last decade has facilitated a significant growth in the trading volumes of cross-border financial transactions. To increase their operational efficiency and maintain competitiveness in the marketplace, market players are developing inter-organizational systems (IOS) to automate the trading and settlement process for both domestic and cross-border transactions. This paper applies the concept of technological frames analysis to investigate the diffusion of an IOS that connects organizations in the European investment fund industry with their distributing banks in Taiwan. The results of a case study provide insights into how different socio-economic contexts influence the assumptions and expectations of stakeholder groups with respect to the concept and benefits of an IOS. The case study also investigates the social and institutional intervention process required to reframe the incongruent technological frames of relevant social groups. A series of three theoretical propositions reflecting the dynamic nature of the adoption and assimilation of a global IOS are offered as key implications.
Keywords: Information Technology Adoption;Financial IOS;Technological Frames Analysis;Globalization of IS;Qualitative Research Methods;

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