
頁: 45-81
日期: 2014/01
摘要: 品質對於資訊系統功能是否成功運作扮演著極重要之角色,而如何將潛藏與屬於衍生性質的品質需求落實在系統則是一個知識與經驗密集的過程。本研究以全面品質展開為理論基礎、應用本體論(Ontology)先建構出一個知識與經驗導向的資訊系統品質本體(Web Quality Ontology)模型、並據以發展出針對網站系統開發的品質推論系統(Online Quality Functional Deployment for Web Systems簡為OWQFunc)。有別於現有其他方式僅做到品質向度與品質需求的推薦,OWQFunc透過上述本體模型之規則設計、推論引擎以及另外所提出的網頁行為塑模(Web-page behaviors),可協助軟體開發人員在系統的開發過程中能更完整地將組織經驗帶入而導出具體實作方式。本研究並以一台灣電子化政府資訊服務系統之實際開發案例來展示本研究所建構的資訊系統本體。
關鍵字: 本體論;資訊系統開發;品質需求;品質實作;知識密集;

Applying Ontology to Online Functional Deployment of Latent and Knowledge-intensive IS Quality Requirements

Abstract: Quality is critical to the success of information system (IS) functionalities. Functional system requirements are specific and explicit, yet the associated quality concerns are often latent, and the acquisition and implementation of quality considerations into system functions is knowledge-intensive. In this regard, this paper develops a quality implementation ontology model and implements a Web-based system, OWQFunc, for online recommendation of quality functional deployment for Web IS. The system has three features. First, it develops a quality implementation ontology model, with its concepts established based on major literature. Second, it elaborates a rule-based inference engine for obtaining implicit knowledge of quality implementation for corresponding functional IS requirements. Third, it models Webpage behaviors, which aid in the inference process from ontological concepts to implementation recommendations. To demonstrate the proposed work, this paper uses a real company case in which the proposed work is implemented and validated, and discusses the usability and benefits of the system brining to the company.
Keywords: Ontology;information system development;quality requirement and implementation;knowledge intensive;

瀏覽次數: 11180     下載次數: 200

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