頁: 367-393
日期: 2013/10
摘要: 盜版一直是產、官、學各界關心的議題,近年來許多調查包括是全球軟體調查、產業競爭力或經濟效益等觀點,皆指出數位盜版在資訊世代是需要持續觀察的議題。本研究對此議題上的探討是以情境預防的角度切入,並具體的以增加風險來做為盜版預防的策略,換言之,本研究主張透過提高個體的知覺盜版風險,使其知覺到盜版存在負向後果且具有發生的可能性,如此來降低個人的盜版決策。有鑑於此,本研究具體的提出盜版風險的構面,並以此來探討盜版風險的提升對個人數位盜版決策的影響。並且,在盜版決策中,本研究將透過三種盜版察覺來探討不同的察覺對盜版決策的影響。本研究以臺灣的大學生為對象,採用問卷調查法來收集資料,有效樣本為337筆。透過結構模式分析方法對本研究架構進行檢驗。研究結果發現在增加盜版風險的策略上,電腦損壞風險會影響個人的盜版察覺及盜版判斷。查緝風險和正式監控風險會影響個人的盜版察覺、盜版判斷與盜版意圖。而再進一步的觀察不同的盜版察覺時,會發覺盜版兩難察覺會同時受到查緝風險與正式監控風險的影響、情境預防察覺會同時受到電腦損壞風險與正式監控風險的影響,而情境預測察覺會受到查緝風險與正式監控風險的影響。
關鍵字: 盜版情境預防;知覺盜版風險;盜版察覺;盜版判斷;盜版意圖;
Abstract: Piracy is always the issue that gains highly concerned by industries, academics and government. Many recent investigations have indicated that digital piracy is especially needed to pay attention to observation. In this paper, we focus on a situational prevention perspective with the strategy by increasing piracy risk. More specific, by rising individual's perceived piracy risk, this would be of help reducing piracy behavior because of perceived piracy negative consequences and likelihood of being caught. For this reason, the study proposed the construct of perceived piracy risk, to see its impact on individual piracy decision-making. Besides, three kinds of piracy awareness are introduced in replacing single awareness variable in the moral decision making process.A field survey was conducted to university students at Taiwan, totally 337 valid samples were collected for analysis using path analysis. The results showed that when observing the effects of perceived piracy risk on individual decision making, computer damage risk has influenced piracy awareness and piracy judgment. Prosecution risk and official monitoring risk have impacted on piracy awareness, piracy judgment and piracy intention. Further, the perceived piracy risk will influence different kinds of piracy awareness, that is, piracy dilemma awareness will both be only influenced by prosecution risk and official monitoring risk. Situation prevention awareness will both be influenced by computer damage risks and official monitoring risk. Situation projection awareness will both be impacted by prosecution risk and official monitoring risk. These findings have implications for both research and practices.
Keywords: Piracy Situational Prevention;Perceived Piracy Risk;Piracy Awareness;Piracy Judgment;Piracy Intention;
瀏覽次數: 21865 下載次數: 262
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 367-393
日期: 2013/10
摘要: 盜版一直是產、官、學各界關心的議題,近年來許多調查包括是全球軟體調查、產業競爭力或經濟效益等觀點,皆指出數位盜版在資訊世代是需要持續觀察的議題。本研究對此議題上的探討是以情境預防的角度切入,並具體的以增加風險來做為盜版預防的策略,換言之,本研究主張透過提高個體的知覺盜版風險,使其知覺到盜版存在負向後果且具有發生的可能性,如此來降低個人的盜版決策。有鑑於此,本研究具體的提出盜版風險的構面,並以此來探討盜版風險的提升對個人數位盜版決策的影響。並且,在盜版決策中,本研究將透過三種盜版察覺來探討不同的察覺對盜版決策的影響。本研究以臺灣的大學生為對象,採用問卷調查法來收集資料,有效樣本為337筆。透過結構模式分析方法對本研究架構進行檢驗。研究結果發現在增加盜版風險的策略上,電腦損壞風險會影響個人的盜版察覺及盜版判斷。查緝風險和正式監控風險會影響個人的盜版察覺、盜版判斷與盜版意圖。而再進一步的觀察不同的盜版察覺時,會發覺盜版兩難察覺會同時受到查緝風險與正式監控風險的影響、情境預防察覺會同時受到電腦損壞風險與正式監控風險的影響,而情境預測察覺會受到查緝風險與正式監控風險的影響。
關鍵字: 盜版情境預防;知覺盜版風險;盜版察覺;盜版判斷;盜版意圖;
A Situational Prevention Study on Exploring the Impact of Perceived Piracy Risk on Individual Decision Making
Abstract: Piracy is always the issue that gains highly concerned by industries, academics and government. Many recent investigations have indicated that digital piracy is especially needed to pay attention to observation. In this paper, we focus on a situational prevention perspective with the strategy by increasing piracy risk. More specific, by rising individual's perceived piracy risk, this would be of help reducing piracy behavior because of perceived piracy negative consequences and likelihood of being caught. For this reason, the study proposed the construct of perceived piracy risk, to see its impact on individual piracy decision-making. Besides, three kinds of piracy awareness are introduced in replacing single awareness variable in the moral decision making process.A field survey was conducted to university students at Taiwan, totally 337 valid samples were collected for analysis using path analysis. The results showed that when observing the effects of perceived piracy risk on individual decision making, computer damage risk has influenced piracy awareness and piracy judgment. Prosecution risk and official monitoring risk have impacted on piracy awareness, piracy judgment and piracy intention. Further, the perceived piracy risk will influence different kinds of piracy awareness, that is, piracy dilemma awareness will both be only influenced by prosecution risk and official monitoring risk. Situation prevention awareness will both be influenced by computer damage risks and official monitoring risk. Situation projection awareness will both be impacted by prosecution risk and official monitoring risk. These findings have implications for both research and practices.
Keywords: Piracy Situational Prevention;Perceived Piracy Risk;Piracy Awareness;Piracy Judgment;Piracy Intention;
瀏覽次數: 21865 下載次數: 262
引用 導入Endnote