頁: 341-365
日期: 2013/07
摘要: 企業的成功關鍵之一在於瞭解顧客的需求並迅速回應。資料庫行銷旨在利用資料庫探究顧客消費行為與了解銷售狀況,據此制定行銷策略以回應顧客需求。雖然資料庫行銷已廣被探討,然而,少有文獻提出一個完整與簡單的資料庫行銷架構。本研究提出一個結合資料探勘技術,並以顧客價值分群為基礎之資料庫行銷架構,此架構利用群集分析與序列型樣,擴充顧客價值計算模式,並依據顧客價值進行顧客分群,同時依交易資料進行產品分類,再整合分群與產品分類結果做為策略擬定依據。本研究以某公司之業務與資料為範例,依據顧客消費模式與分群結果提出可行之策略方案。並且,也提供以交易金額驗證策略方案有效性的方法,輔以實際案例之實驗數據,作為資料庫行銷設計與實作之參考。
關鍵字: 資料庫行銷;顧客價值;顧客分群;資料探勘;
Abstract: One of business success factors is to understand customers' needs and response their demands in time. Database marketing is to analyze customer consumption behavior and transaction data in databases, and to make marketing strategy according to the results. Although database marketing has been well discussed, very few studies provide a complete framework for it. This research provides an entire framework for database marketing, which employs data mining techniques to perform data clustering and analysis. In this framework, customer value model is extended. Customer segmentation is performed based on the extended model. The products are categorized by sequential pattern analysis of customers' transaction. Marketing strategies are decided according to the segmentation and the categorization. This work adopts a company as a case to demonstrate the framework. In addition to using customer value and discount as the parameters of customer segmentation, it provides feasible strategy to the segmentation results based on the customer consumption model. We also suggested the experiment for examining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The results of this work contribute to the design and practice of database marketing.
Keywords: Database marketing;Customer value;Customer segmentation;Data mining;
瀏覽次數: 23393 下載次數: 1034
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 341-365
日期: 2013/07
摘要: 企業的成功關鍵之一在於瞭解顧客的需求並迅速回應。資料庫行銷旨在利用資料庫探究顧客消費行為與了解銷售狀況,據此制定行銷策略以回應顧客需求。雖然資料庫行銷已廣被探討,然而,少有文獻提出一個完整與簡單的資料庫行銷架構。本研究提出一個結合資料探勘技術,並以顧客價值分群為基礎之資料庫行銷架構,此架構利用群集分析與序列型樣,擴充顧客價值計算模式,並依據顧客價值進行顧客分群,同時依交易資料進行產品分類,再整合分群與產品分類結果做為策略擬定依據。本研究以某公司之業務與資料為範例,依據顧客消費模式與分群結果提出可行之策略方案。並且,也提供以交易金額驗證策略方案有效性的方法,輔以實際案例之實驗數據,作為資料庫行銷設計與實作之參考。
關鍵字: 資料庫行銷;顧客價值;顧客分群;資料探勘;
A Customer Value Based Framework for Database Marketing
Abstract: One of business success factors is to understand customers' needs and response their demands in time. Database marketing is to analyze customer consumption behavior and transaction data in databases, and to make marketing strategy according to the results. Although database marketing has been well discussed, very few studies provide a complete framework for it. This research provides an entire framework for database marketing, which employs data mining techniques to perform data clustering and analysis. In this framework, customer value model is extended. Customer segmentation is performed based on the extended model. The products are categorized by sequential pattern analysis of customers' transaction. Marketing strategies are decided according to the segmentation and the categorization. This work adopts a company as a case to demonstrate the framework. In addition to using customer value and discount as the parameters of customer segmentation, it provides feasible strategy to the segmentation results based on the customer consumption model. We also suggested the experiment for examining the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The results of this work contribute to the design and practice of database marketing.
Keywords: Database marketing;Customer value;Customer segmentation;Data mining;
瀏覽次數: 23393 下載次數: 1034
引用 導入Endnote