
頁: 131-166
日期: 2013/04
摘要: 網路商店據信可以減少消費者搜尋成本並給消費者帶來更豐富的產品選擇,這是網路商店的優勢之一,可以提昇消費者福祉。本研究希望理解,當消費者處理從網路商店獲得的豐富資訊時,其對購物決策之主觀心理感受如何受到個體差異影響。本研究以資訊超載理論為基礎,將主觀產品知識、產品涉入與自我效能這三個在經驗法則決策理論中非常重要,卻被資訊超載理論忽略的個體差異變數整合進來,希望理解是否、為何豐富的資訊反而給消費者帶來負面的後果。本研究建置一個模擬的手機消費網站,設定兩個資訊量水準,並將224個受測者隨機分配到兩個實驗網站中,要求他們在限定時間內決定購買那一隻手機。研究結果發現過多的資訊不見得會使消費者感受到做了好決定,或者能緩和其需要更多資訊的感受。知覺涉入與自我效能會干擾資訊量與主觀心理狀態的關係,產品知識則直接影響主觀心理狀態。
關鍵字: 網路購物;資訊超載;對購物決策的主觀心理狀態;個體差異;


Abstract: It is claimed that e-retailers can reduce consumers' search cost and enlarge the amount of product alternatives offered. This is an advantage of e-retailers which will bring welfare to consumers. The aim of this study is to provide an insight into the effects of individual characteristics on the processing of abundant information obtained from e-retailers and the subjective states toward the buying decisions. Theory of information overload was deployed and extended, hoping to understand why the information-richness advantage of e-retailers would bring opposite consequences to consumers. This study focuses on empirically testing the effects of three individual factors, including subjective product knowledge, product involvement, and self-efficacy, that are, at least, conceptually important in theory of heuristic decision making and strategy, but are seldom addressed by information overload paradigm. An experiment was conducted, where a simulated e-storefront selling mobile phone was constructed. Two information load groups were set up with 224 subjects randomly assigned to each of the groups. The results indicate that comprehensive information may not necessarily lead consumers to a perception of reaching a good decision, and may not alleviate the perception of needing more information; cognitive involvement and self-efficacy, however, moderate the relation between information load and subjective state. In addition, product knowledge was found to directly influence the subjective state towards online purchase decisions.
Keywords: Internet Shopping;Information Overload;Subjective States towards Buying Decision;Individual Differences;

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