
頁: 39-76
日期: 2013/01
摘要: 許多研究透過專利分析以進行特定產業公司創新競爭力之評估,現有研究方法常著力於專利數量、引證次數及其與科學研究間連結強度之分析,卻無法指出未來技術創新趨勢。因此,本研究以專利地圖分析美國、歐洲、日本及我國專利資料庫,列出競爭對手之關鍵專利,再透過整合TRIZ原理及技術脈絡分析,找出可能技術創新的方向。最後舉一互動式遊戲專利佈局為例,說明產品技術創新之過程;研究成果提出七項可再發展之專利與三項專利佈局策略建議,以擴大申請專利範圍並提供產品完整的智財權保護。
關鍵字: 專利佈局;專利分析;專利地圖;TRIZ;技術創新;

A Study on the Patent Planning of Interactive Game Using Patent Analysis and Technology Innovation

Abstract: Many researches examined patent analysis techniques for evaluating the innovation competence of enterprises in a specific industry. Existing studies focus mainly on the analysis of patent number, the number of patent citation, and its scientific link rather than the future trends of technological innovation. Accordingly, the present study generates the patent map based on database of USPTO, EPO, JPO, and TWPAT to discover the opponent's key technologies. Meanwhile, solve the technology innovation problem by incorporating both TRIZ theory and technology trend roadmap. Finally, an illustrative example of the patent planning for technological innovation in developing the product of interactive game is used to demonstrate the proposed approach. Consequently, seven feasible ideas for patent application and three strategies of patent planning were proposed to offer the services aiming to enlarge the scope of claims and provide a complete Intellectual Property (IP) protection.
Keywords: Patent Planning;Patent Analysis;Patent Map;TRIZ;Technology Innovation;

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