
頁: 591-620
日期: 2012/07
摘要: 功能點分析是目前最廣泛被使用的軟體功能性規模度量方法論,儘管其定義的43條自然語言法則可以提供量化的規模度量值來支援成本與時程預估的活動,然而自然語言法則的模糊性與功能複雜度權重判斷的困難性亦導致實務使用上的挑戰。本研究整合ANP與FPA以發展敏捷功能點計算模式,透過5個主要度量步驟:建立群組層級架構、定義功能相依性、評估功能相對複雜性、計算功能相對複雜性權重以及計算敏捷功能點數,不僅可以考量功能相依性以完整反映系統功能全貌,也可以減少FPA自然語言判斷規則的使用數量以加快度量時間與克服複雜度權重值久未更新的問題,此外,本研究亦透過發票處理系統的實務個案度量來驗證本研究成果的應用可行性。
關鍵字: 軟體專案度量;功能點分析;軟體規模;網路分析法;軟體專案管理;

An Agile Function Point Counting Approach Based on ANP

Abstract: Functional Point Analysis (FPA) is a widely adopted approach that measures the functional size of software systems. This approach uses 43 rules for counting function points provide a quantifiable size measure to support the cost and schedule evaluations. These evaluations are complex and stretch their use of new practical questions. This study integrated Analytic Network Process and FPA to develop agile function point counting approach. Through 5 major steps: the establishment of hierarchical structure, the definition of functional dependencies, the assessment of functional relative complexity, the calculation of relative complexity weights and the calculation of agile function point, which can consider the functional dependencies so as to reflect a complete profile of system function and reduce used natural language rules of FPA to improve the efficiency of measurement and overcome the un-updated problem for weighted values of functional complexity. An invoicing system is presented to illustrate the use of this approach to confirm the feasibility of this approach.
Keywords: Software project measurement;Functional point analysis;Software size;Analytic network process;Software project management;

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