
頁: 349-387
日期: 2012/04
摘要: 動機是促成及持續行為的重要因素。但是跟線上遊戲有關的研究,還很少探討動機的效應,且各家學者對動機有不同分類,也不曾比較不同動機對不同玩家族群能造成什麼影響。經歸納整理相關文獻後,本研究綜合出一個初步的動機分類架構,並提出一個理論模式。之後,透過網路問卷蒐集資料,回收樣本2869份,利用結構方程模式測試假說。研究結果發現,挑戰性、好奇心、幻想與社會互動等動機會透過遊戲娛樂效果的中介,間接影響玩家持續參與線上遊戲的意圖,而且挑戰與好奇是最重要的前因;除少數例外,在不同玩家族群中,這個關係型態穩定不變,但某些族群中,挑戰的影響比較大,另一些族群中,好奇的影響比較強。
關鍵字: 線上遊戲;持續意圖;遊戲動機;娛樂;

Game Motivation and the Intention to Continuously Play Online Game: A Comparison of Different Types of Players

Abstract: Motivation is a primary antecedent of human behavior. The effect of motivation on intention to keep playing online game, however, has been seldom addressed by extant literature; researchers have different typologies of game motivations, and rarely compare the effects of different motivations on different types of players. Based on previous literature, a preliminary typology of game motivations and a theoretical model were proposed in this study. A survey was conducted to collect data from 2869 online game players; then the hypotheses were tested via the Structural Equation Modeling. The results show that challenge, curiosity, fantasy and social interaction indirectly influence the continuance intention through the playfulness of online game. These relationships remain robust across different types of players, and challenge, curiosity are the most influential factors. For some types of players, challenge has the most influential power; and for the others, curiosity has the most influential power.
Keywords: Online game;Intention to continuously play;Motivation;Playfulness;

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