
頁: 81-103
日期: 2012/01
摘要: 微網誌是近年來新興的一種社交網站,允許使用者在專屬的頁面上發佈短訊息,其簡單、即時的特性是過去社交網站所不具備的。然而,目前文獻中對於個體使用微網誌的行為並沒有太多的探討,亦缺乏實證上的支持。因此,本研究試著從動機需求的觀點去瞭解個體在微網誌中自我揭露與即時資訊分享的行為,並且探討微網誌的使用對個體在社交層面可能產生的影響。本研究針對有Plurk使用經驗的個體進行實證,並且使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)對回收樣本進行分析。研究結果顯示,人氣需求、社交需求以及追求流行會顯著影響個體在微網誌中自我揭露的行為;而社交與娛樂的需求則會顯著影響個體在微網誌中即時分享資訊的行為。除此之外,個體對於微網誌的使用也會顯著影響其所知覺的社會支持程度。
關鍵字: 微網誌;動機;即時資訊分享;自我揭露;社會支持;

Motivations and Consequences of Micro-Blog Usages

Abstract: Micro-blogging is a kind of new social networking sites (SNS) which allow users to exchange small elements of content on its platform. The simple and real-time features of micro-blogging are indeed different from traditional SNS. However, little empirical results were found in prior literature to elaborate individual's behavior of micro-blogging use. Consequently, this study tries to explore the influence of individuals' motivations on their self-disclosure and real-time information sharing behavior, as well as the possible social consequences of its use. Individuals who have experiences of using Plurk were invited as subjects. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) was utilized to examine the proposed model and hypotheses. Analytical results indicate that popularity, social, and fashion needs significantly influence individual's self-disclosure; while entertainment and social needs significantly influence individual's real-time information sharing behavior. Moreover, both individual's self-disclosure and real-time information sharing behavior have positive relationship with the level of social support she/he perceived.
Keywords: Micro-blogging;Motivation;Real-time Information Sharing;Self-disclosure;Social Support;

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