
頁: 105-132
日期: 2012/01
摘要: 參與社交網站成為人們在網路上最熱衷的活動之一。儘管使用者巨幅的成長,但有些社交網站卻面臨財務危機及關閉的命運。因此了解使用者為何原因轉換社交網站,藉以吸引及保留使用者,是所有社交網站經營業者的重要議題,也對其經營績效有極大影響。人口地理學者提出「推-拉-繫住力理論」來解釋人們對居住地的轉換,主要受不滿意現居地的推力、新住地吸引的拉力、及個人的繫住因素三者交互作用的結果。本研究延伸該理論來解釋使用者在社交網站此一虛擬國度的轉換行為。經問卷調查蒐集518位Plurk 使用者樣本資料,以結構方程模式(SEM)來檢測假說。研究結果顯示拉力對社交網站轉換有最大的影響,其次是拉力及繫住力。本研究因此建議業者應當滿足使用者對網路娛樂服務中新鮮感的追求,注意社交網站的最基本功能是否帶給顧客促成社交及娛樂感受,強化社交網站群體的經營,藉以擬出有效的經營策略。
關鍵字: 服務轉換;遷移;推-拉-繫住力理論;社交網站;

"Cyberspace Migration"-Exploring Social Network Site Switching though Migration Theory: An Example of Plurk

Abstract: Becoming members of social networking websites is now one of the most popular on-line activities. Although the number of users has been growing exponentially, some social network sites (SNS) are facing a financial crisis and might be shut down in the near future. Therefore one of the most important tasks for SNS operators is to understand users' incentives to switch to another SNS, which can improve user retention, and has great influence on their business performance. The study adopted ”Push-Pull-Moor” (PPM) theory proposed by population geologist, who used it to explain the incentives of demographic migration. The reasons behind population movements are mainly because people are pushed by the abomination of their current residence, pulled by the attraction of the new destination, or moored by personal factors. This study extends the PPM theory to explain the switching behaviors in the virtual world. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze data collected from 518 plurk users by questionnaire survey. The result shows that pull effects have the greatest influence on users' switching behaviors, followed by push and moor effects. As a result, the study suggests that operators should satisfy users' pursuit of freshness, and carefully examine whether their services could address users' needs of socializing and entertainment. Strengthening the group cohesion of SNS may be one of the effective business strategies.
Keywords: Service switching;Migration;Push-Pull-Mooring model;Social Network Site;

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