
頁: 91-118
日期: 2011/10
摘要: 科技中隱含新穎的功能與運作模式,常令使用者感到陌生與驚訝。因此,使用者除了一邊應用科技新穎的功能,一方面也必須去意會、了解科技中隱藏的運作模式。雖然科技意會文獻對初始意會的議題已有深入的討論,但我們其實很少去想,使用者會如何對新科技產生第二度、甚至第三度的意會。本研究提出一個重要的議題:使用者如何持續地與科技互動;此中,使用者對科技的意會又作了哪些改變?這個議題需要分析使用者於持續意會的過程中,產生了哪些學習行為,而這些學習與調適的過程又如何成為科技創新的來源。本研究調查衛星派遣系統導入一個大型計程車隊的歷程,剖析創新演化歷程中,使用者與科技如何互動,對科技又產生哪些新的意會,並發展出新穎的應用方式與工作行為。分析使用者的持續意會呈現出科技的人性軌跡,讓我們更體會到科技始終來自人性的奧義。最後,我們分析本文於科技意會與使用者導向創新理論之貢獻與對企業的實務意涵。
關鍵字: 科技意會;科技採納;持續意會;調適學習;質性研究;

Evolving Technology Sensemaking: Analyzing the Innovation Process of GPS-Dispatch Systems

Abstract: Information technology contains novel functions and is embedded with new ways of organizing, which often surprises users. When users employ a new technology, they need to make sense of its implicated organizing models in order to deploy it effectively. Although the technology sensemaking literature has offered extensive discussion on users' initial technology sensemaking, there has been minimal emphasis on the second or third round of technology sensemaking. This study proposes a less-explored research issue, and examines how users may interact with technology over time, making ongoing senses around new technology as it is applied to the user's work context. This requires us to examine users' adaptive learning activities within the technology structuring process, leading to innovative patterns of technology-use and new ways of working. This field study is based on the adoption of a GPS (Global Positioning System) enabled vehicle dispatch system in a large taxi fleet. Our study analyzes the emergent process of user-led innovation, traces the temporal interaction between user and technology, and develops novel ways of employing technology and new work behaviors. This article contributes theoretical implications to extant theories of technology sensemaking and user-centric innovation. Practical implications are suggested to executives who desire to deploy new technology effectively.
Keywords: technology sensemaking;technology adaptation;qualitative research;user-centre innovation;GPS dispatch system;

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