
頁: 99-130
日期: 2011/04
摘要: 生涯錨在資訊人員職業的選擇過程中扮演著舉足輕重的角色,MIS學生是資訊專業人力主要來源之一,若能洞悉MIS學生生涯錨的差異,將有助於MIS學生規劃自己的專業生涯,也有助於企業在資訊專業人力的聘任過程中找到更適合的專才,以此將有助於解決組織資訊人員離職的問題。本研究採用長期性調查法,在四個不同時間點蒐集MIS學生與資訊專業人員的資料,進行趨勢分析與差異比較。本研究以判斷抽樣的方式,針對台灣北、中、南共九所公私立大學,進行兩次資管系應屆畢業生的問卷調查;另外,在資訊專業人員方面,採用大樣本隨機抽樣的方式,進行兩次不同時間點的郵寄問卷。根據長期性的分析,發現MIS學生對組織穩定性、服務性、與自主性具有較高的需求,對於地域與安全性及技術能力提升呈現較低的需求。在生涯決策中具支配地位的生涯錨也出現明顯的改變,支配性生涯錨有從地域與安全性、創造性、自主性等生涯錨移轉到重視組織穩定性的現象。在MIS學生的比較中,女生比男生較不重視職業是否能提供自己技術能力的提升,而男生在前期較重視工作的多樣性,但是在後期卻較重視工作的地域與安全性;另外,科技大學的MIS學生比在一般大學就學的MIS學生較重視組織穩定性、創造性、與自主性等生涯錨。本研究發現在前期學生比專業人員重視職業的創造性、地域與安全性、身份地位、與技術能力提升等生涯錨,但到後期彼此生涯錨的差異有縮小的現象,MIS學生只有在技術能力提升上的需求明顯高於資訊專業人員。
關鍵字: 生涯錨;MIS學生;生涯管理;資訊專業人員;長期性研究;


Abstract: The career anchors of IS professionals play an important role in affecting the selection of occupations. MIS students are one of the principal sources for IS employees. Insight in the career anchors of MIS students provides information that can help MIS students to plan their careers and assist organizations in recruiting IS labor that better matches their needs and reduces turnover. A longitudinal study was undertaken to provide for the long-term nature of both MIS undergraduate and IS professional careers. The comparisons were done using longitudinal data collected at four points in time to determine patterns and similarities. Judgment sampling was used to select nine universities in the south, north, and centre of Taiwan for the MIS undergraduate samples and random sampling was used to mail questionnaires to IS professionals on two occasions. According to the longitudinal analysis, MIS undergraduates needed higher organizational stability, service, and autonomy but lower geographical security and technical competence. The dominant career anchors of MIS undergraduates show the shift away from geographical security, creativity, and autonomy toward organizational stability. Female undergraduates indicated significantly lower levels of technical competence. Male students put more emphasis on variety in 2002 and geographical security in 2008. MIS undergraduates in technology-oriented universities put more emphasis on organizational stability, creativity, and autonomy anchors than students in general universities. For 2002, the means of creativity, geographical security, identity, and technical competence career anchors of MIS undergraduates were significantly higher than IS professionals. For 2008, only the mean of technical competence of MIS undergraduates was significantly higher than IS professionals.
Keywords: Career Anchors;MIS Undergraduates;Career Management;IS Professionals;Longitudinal Research;

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