
頁: 155-186
日期: 2011/01
摘要: 資訊科技所帶來的數位機會與衝擊,使得先進國家與發展中國家之間的數位鴻溝愈形擴大,產生了所謂的「國際數位落差」。此一問題不僅擴大了全球的貧富差距,亦影響了國際間的平衡發展。因此,如何協助發展中國家有效地使用資訊系統,並讓資訊系統成功地、持續地運用於特定組織內,乃是「縮減國際數位落差」的工作中相當值得注意的課題。然而發展中國家之數位基礎建設不佳、使用者資訊素養亦有限,要如何做方能有效地克服對應困難、成功導入資訊系統以獲得對應效益,乃是一相當值得研究的議題。因此,本研究透過一台灣協助馬拉威導入愛滋病病歷資訊系統之個案,深入地剖析為發展中國家進行資訊系統導入之作法、歷程、遭遇困難與解決方案。期望相關分析與結論可供未來欲協助發展中國家進行資訊系統導入與研究縮減數位落差之相關人士一個重要參考。
關鍵字: 國際數位落差;資訊系統導入;國際援助;發展中國家;

A Case Study to Assist the Developing Country in Information System Implementation-A Case of TESMART for Malawi

Abstract: The gap between developed countries and developing countries has widened because of the opportunities and impacts by information technology, it makes the so-called problem ”the international digital gap” worst. This problem has been enlarging the poverty gap and unbalancing the development between the countries. It is a very critical issue in the tasks of bridging the international digital gap to assist the developing countries to effectively use information system and successfully continue the applications. But under the circumstance with poor information infrastructure and information literacy in the developing countries, how can we do to overcome the above difficulties and to assist them to successfully implement the information system and gain the benefits from the applications? It is very worthy to study. Base on that, this study deeply investigated and analyzed the processes, difficulties and solutions of an information system implementation project from a case of TESMART for Malawi by Taiwan. The findings and conclusions from this case study may provide an important reference for those who will assist the developing countries to successfully implement information system and the researcher to further study the issues ”to bridge the digital gap”.
Keywords: International Digital Divide;Information System Implementation;International Aids;Developing Country;

瀏覽次數: 12761     下載次數: 183

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