
頁: 97-116
日期: 2010/12
摘要: 你今天有到農場種菜嘛?這最新的問候語經由大眾媒體的傳播成為現今台灣社會最熱門的話題,也顯示社交網站已成為網路使用者最受歡迎的活動之一。然而現今知識對人們為何使用社交網站的了解仍相當的有限。不同於之前科技接受大多採用科技接受模式(TAM)理論的觀點,本研究借用心理學的認知專注,結合互動性及流行兩個的構念,發展出一嶄新的研究模型來了解使用者為何會使用社交網站的使用。實徵結果顯示,認知專注及流行對社交網站的使用呈現顯著的支持,但社會互動性直接影響社交網站的接受卻不顯著。本研究結果能增進對社交網站知識的瞭解,並向實務業界對人們使用社交網站的行為提供建議。
關鍵字: 科技使用;社交網站;認知專注;心流狀態;流行;

Why Do People Use Social Network Site? A Perspective of Cognitive Adoption

Abstract: ”Have you farmed today?” This is becoming the most popular greeting in Taiwanese socity recently with the help of mass media, indicating that visiting social networking sites (SNS) have become one the most popular activities among Internet users. However, existing information speculating the reasons behind this popularity remains limited. Unlike traditional models that utilize the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study adopts the psychological concept of cognitive absorption and combines it with the constructs of interaction and fashion to develop a new research model to understand why users visit social networking websites. Empirical results showed that cognitive absorption and fashion showed significant support on the use of social networking websites, while the direct influence of social interaction on the acceptance of social networking websites was not significant. The results of this study can improve understanding towards social networking websites as well as provide suggestions to related entities regarding the trends of social networking website use.
Keywords: technology acceptance;social network sites;cognitive absorption;flow;fashion;

瀏覽次數: 16947     下載次數: 215

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