頁: 139-169
日期: 2010/10
摘要: 企業e系統效益能否發揮,與員工接受新科技的意圖密切相關。創新理論指出,組織學習的效果對新系統在組織內的採用有顯著影響。然而現代化的組織,存在許多與組織關係較為疏離的員工,如外勤業務、委外、部分工時或在家上班人員,其在參與組織學習活動上明顯存在許多困難。這個現像使得過去的概念是否正確存有疑問。為探索這個問題,本研究整合科技接受模型與任務科技配適模型,從「組織學習」的角度推導外生變數來建構一個理論模式,以壽險業為例,採用問卷調查法收集資料,並以LISREL8.5檢驗模型。研究結果支持TAM的主張,同時發現任務科技配適度會正向影響使用者對e化系統的認知有用性與認知易用性;壽險業業務員常需四處奔波,往往導致:「組織溝通及同儕鼓勵」等組織性學習機制效果不彰;使用者個別的學習動機與先前電腦經驗成為關鍵的外生變數。最後,本研究提出管理建議。
關鍵字: 接受意圖;科技接受模型;任務科技配適模型;疏離;壽險業;
Abstract: One of the key factors to successfully deploy e-technologies lies in the employees' behavioral intention. Innovation theory argues that intention of innovation acceptance is highly related with the results of organizational learning induced from innovation adoption. The modern organizations, however, are abundant with highly alienated employees, such as sales representative, or managers working around the world, who are difficult in accessing organizational learning initiatives. The validity of the arguments of traditional theory, hence, may be questionable. To explore this issue, this study integrated the Technology Acceptance Model and Task Technology Fit theory to derive a theoretical model, and standing on the above perspective to derive external variables. A life insurance company is taken as an example to collect samples. LISREL was used to verify the research model. The results tend to support TAM, and that the degree of technology-task fit is positively related with ease of use and usefulness of e systems. Furthermore, the fact that sale representatives of insurance company must frequently leave their company to serve customers, might make organizational learning mechanisms such as organizational communication and peer influence ineffective; individual's learning motivation and previous experience thus become important external variables. Finally, managerial implications are proposed.
Keywords: Behavioral intention to accept e systems;Technology Acceptance Model TAM;Task-Technology Fit TTF;Alienation;Life insurance;
瀏覽次數: 28861 下載次數: 3251
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 139-169
日期: 2010/10
摘要: 企業e系統效益能否發揮,與員工接受新科技的意圖密切相關。創新理論指出,組織學習的效果對新系統在組織內的採用有顯著影響。然而現代化的組織,存在許多與組織關係較為疏離的員工,如外勤業務、委外、部分工時或在家上班人員,其在參與組織學習活動上明顯存在許多困難。這個現像使得過去的概念是否正確存有疑問。為探索這個問題,本研究整合科技接受模型與任務科技配適模型,從「組織學習」的角度推導外生變數來建構一個理論模式,以壽險業為例,採用問卷調查法收集資料,並以LISREL8.5檢驗模型。研究結果支持TAM的主張,同時發現任務科技配適度會正向影響使用者對e化系統的認知有用性與認知易用性;壽險業業務員常需四處奔波,往往導致:「組織溝通及同儕鼓勵」等組織性學習機制效果不彰;使用者個別的學習動機與先前電腦經驗成為關鍵的外生變數。最後,本研究提出管理建議。
關鍵字: 接受意圖;科技接受模型;任務科技配適模型;疏離;壽險業;
An Analysis of the Behavioral Intention to Accept e Business Systems based on TAM and TTF: The Effects of Organizational Learning of Organizationally Alienated Employees
Abstract: One of the key factors to successfully deploy e-technologies lies in the employees' behavioral intention. Innovation theory argues that intention of innovation acceptance is highly related with the results of organizational learning induced from innovation adoption. The modern organizations, however, are abundant with highly alienated employees, such as sales representative, or managers working around the world, who are difficult in accessing organizational learning initiatives. The validity of the arguments of traditional theory, hence, may be questionable. To explore this issue, this study integrated the Technology Acceptance Model and Task Technology Fit theory to derive a theoretical model, and standing on the above perspective to derive external variables. A life insurance company is taken as an example to collect samples. LISREL was used to verify the research model. The results tend to support TAM, and that the degree of technology-task fit is positively related with ease of use and usefulness of e systems. Furthermore, the fact that sale representatives of insurance company must frequently leave their company to serve customers, might make organizational learning mechanisms such as organizational communication and peer influence ineffective; individual's learning motivation and previous experience thus become important external variables. Finally, managerial implications are proposed.
Keywords: Behavioral intention to accept e systems;Technology Acceptance Model TAM;Task-Technology Fit TTF;Alienation;Life insurance;
瀏覽次數: 28861 下載次數: 3251
引用 導入Endnote